Located in the main school building, in the upper east wing. Amandine and her husband, Dzianis, are a very international couple as Dzianis comes from Belarus and Amandine is French. Dzianis trained as a PE teacher and used to be a professional basketball player before moving to the UK in 2005. Amandine teaches English in the EAL Department and is also in charge of School House Girls.
"School House Boys is a calm, happy house with lots of contact between staff and students. The relaxed attitude of staff permeates the environment but everyone knows where they stand and what the boundaries are. Special occasions are always marked and birthdays celebrated with cake and decorations. We value all members of the community equally, which results in open, friendly and courteous relationships between House staff and students. Four members of staff live in School House Boys and it is this mix of adults and pupils which forms a valuable part of the Sidcot tradition of participation, and the Quaker Testimonies of Community and Equality."
"Our pastoral care in School House Boys is based on supported self-discipline, which means that we expect and achieve high standards of behaviour and care. The House staff provide an environment in which each student can develop as a person of integrity with a sense of purpose. A special characteristic of the House is the care and support that students have always given each other. We follow the traditions of Quakerism in the House which imply openness to the world, taking into account the whole of humanity and the environment in the way we live."
Amandine Smilevich – Housemistress