We are very proud of the high standard of food at Sidcot. The School currently holds five stars from the local authorities for the exceptional food safety management procedures we have implemented. Our ‘in house’ team of caterers ensure the fresh produce we procure is expertly transformed into an array of traditional and speciality menus. The importance of a balanced diet sits at the core of the School’s ethos.
Sidcot students have access to a varied, tasty, nutritious menu every day with a wide choice of tastes and flavours from around the world. Parents can relax in the knowledge that there are plenty of fresh and healthy options available at every mealtime. There is always a choice of main courses at each meal, including a vegetarian option. Provision is also made for any special dietary, medical, or religious needs.
Students eat their meals in our light and spacious Refectory, which ensures a pleasurable dining experience every day. Fresh fruit and snacks are served in the Refectory at break times during the school day.
We care about the environment and look to source our food from local suppliers to reduce the School’s carbon footprint. Our fish carries the Marine Stewardship Council certification and our local butchers ensure the meat we use is to the highest quality and accreditation to protect the welfare standards of livestock.
Student Feedback
We listen carefully to the feedback we get from students, whether received directly or through the Food Committee which is actively attended by a cross-section of our students. Student feedback is essential in planning menus – meal suggestions from students often make their way onto the menu.
Junior School
In the Junior School, pupils make the short trip to the refectory for lunch every day. They enjoy a wide variety of options, with their class teachers and the catering staff on hand to support them in making good choices. Pupils can also join the Breakfast Club in the Junior School and the Supper Club in the refectory.
Senior School
Day students can enjoy both lunch and supper at School. Our boarding students receive three meals a day in the refectory and have access to kitchens in the Boarding houses at certain times. There, they can help themselves to drinks and snacks, such as bread, spreads, cereals, milk, and fruit, which the School provides.
The Hub
Students also have access to The Hub, Sidcot’s coffee shop, which serves hot drinks, and a range of healthy snacks and sweet treats.