A Levels
A Level courses are rigorous, two-year long courses which lead to university entrance. They are specialist academic courses and are therefore an excellent preparation for the demands of top-class universities. Most of our A Level students graduate to good universities in the UK, and A Levels are a valued mode of entry to universities worldwide.
A Level courses make great demands upon the organisational capabilities and intellectual powers of students. The strength of A Levels is that they stretch the most able and allow the student to embark upon quite specialised study of his or her chosen subjects. They offer the challenge and adventure of climbing new, intellectual peaks and they mould the student into an autonomous learner. Much of the work has to be carried out by the student independently. Students have to carry out their own background reading, note-making and research. They may also have to submit coursework in some subjects.
Further details of the subjects offered at Sidcot can be found in the menu.