Academic Enrichment

Our comprehensive academic enrichment programme offers students the chance to explore their favourite subjects, challenge themselves, and engage in an extensive range of opportunities.

Lead Learner Programme

Students in Years 7 - 11 can apply for the prestigious Lead Learner Programme in a maximum of two subjects, allowing them to delve deeper into their favourite subjects. They hold this esteemed post for one year and are ambassadors for their chosen subject. They participate in a variety of enriching activities, take part in external competitions, represent their subject in the Academic Enrichment Showcase held at School in June, organise events to promote their subject to our wider school community, such as International Languages Week, and host an assembly showcasing their subject to other students.

Gifted and Talented

Teaching staff analyse data and assessments and select students who excel academically in a particular subject to join our Gifted and Talented programme. These students are provided with differentiated work in lessons to allow them to be stretched and challenged. They also have access to resources and further enrichment tasks related to their subject areas. They are encouraged to take a lead role in lessons by demonstrating, modelling and mentoring others.

Scholarship Programme

A Sidcot Scholarship is not just about celebrating and nurturing excellence; it's about sharing it. Our Scholarship students engage in tailored enrichment activities and extra support in their awarded subject. Supported by staff who are experts in their field, students are encouraged to challenge themselves and to achieve their very best.

Scholarships are available in the Senior School and Sixth Form. For more information on the scholarships available, and to apply, please click here: