Bonfire Night and Firework Display Friday 8 November at Tom’s Field

We hope you can join us for this Sidcot event. Gates to Tom’s Field open at 6pm, the bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm and fireworks at 7pm.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family, please can we remind you that day students are the responsibility of parents whilst attending this event. The bonfire and fireworks are cordoned off from the audience and we would appreciate your assistance in ensuring that individuals do not enter the prohibited areas. Ground conditions are always dependent on the weather but we strongly advise wellington boots, warm coats and a torch.

The food and drinks vouchers are available to purchase after the  half term holiday from both the Senior and Junior Receptions until 12noon on Friday, 8 November. They are priced at £3 for hog roast, burgers, hot dogs or vegetarian option and £1 for drinks.

Vouchers will be available to purchase on the night but it will save you extra queuing if you can purchase ahead of the event; card payments will be accepted on the night.

Kind regards

Chantelle Parker-Mills Senior School PTA Chair
Zena Adams Junior School PTA Chair