What led you to be a teacher?
I used to be a ballet teacher when I was young and love working with children.
What's the best part of your job?
Witnessing students’ journey from arriving at Sidcot slightly shy and anxious, then leaving Sidcot as young confident adults that will go out in the world and be amazing people.
If you weren't a teacher, what would you be doing now?
Maybe a Wedding Planner – I love weddings!
What's your most memorable moment as a teacher?
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Not sure! But I have met so many amazing people here at Sidcot that have passed on a lot of invaluable life advice.
How do you live adventurously?
I started ice skating last year and I keep falling so that is pretty adventurous to me.
What is one subject you are curious about?
How the brain works.
What is one cause you care passionately about?
Cancer Research.
What is one misconception people have about you?
That I am a tidy person - my house is a mess!
What surprises you about Sidcot?
The amount of opportunities students have.
What makes you proud of Sidcot?
The Students! They are amazing.
How would you like to be remembered by your students?
Caring, firm but fair…I’m not going anywhere yet so I am not sure.
If you had one word to sum up Sidcot, what would it be?
If you had one word to sum up yourself what would it be?
What notable individual would you invite to a dinner party and why?
Emma Watson – I think she is cool.