Let’s Talk…Careers 2020

Wednesday 15 January 6.30pm – 8.00pm in the Drama Classroom, Arts Centre

We offered this session in 2019 and following feedback, we are delighted to offer a further opportunity for parents to find out more about the career choices and issues facing our young people.

This year’s session led by Rosie Andrew, our Head of Careers & Higher Education Guidance, will focus more on options for school leavers as well as practical strategies to empower parents to support students with their career planning.

Main themes:

  • Current trends impacting on young people’s career choices
  • National guidelines for providing good quality careers support in schools
  • Progression options for students at 18+ including university choices, apprenticeships and gap year opportunities
  • Practical ways parents can support young people in their education & career planning as well as useful resources for parents
  • Your questions!

If you would like to come RSVP by contacting Reception on 01934 843102.

Photo courtesy of Flazingo Photos