Senior Maths Challenge

Senior Maths Challenge

The Senior Maths Challege is taken by students in Sixth Forms across the UK as a challenge to stimulate mathematical problem solving. Results have just been returned to schools, and Sidcot’s students have had a lot of success.

View the 2018 paper 

The top 60% of the students receive a certificate:

Gold (for top 10% nationally)

Lifeng Qian
William Lewin

Silver (for next 20%)

Emily Mabbett
Alex Higginbottom
Betsy Hunt

Bronze (for the next 30%)

Aijia Zhang
Kwok yin Fu
Koichiro Fueda
Lucy Slingsby
PuiYu Man
Boyang Lyu
Matthieu Wilson
Rena Suzuki
Yener Yaprak
Ilja Bazenovs
Amelia Ashdown
James King
Kaiting You
Ruby Hung
Jonathan Aung
Ho Ng
Rafig Aliasgarov
William Ford
Cornelius EffingerMost impressively, two students qualified for a follow-on round.


Lifeng Qian qualified for the British Mathematical Olympiad (Round 1); for the top 1000 students nationally.

William Lewin qualified for the Senior Kangaroo; for the next 7000 students nationally.