Preparing Your Child To Study Overseas

If you’ve been thinking about sending your child to study abroad or would like them to study in the UK, you’ll want to know how best to prepare them for their new adventure. There are many benefits to studying overseas and it is an exciting time for children and parents, and a chance for you both to work together to get everything ready. 

Sidcot School is a leading independent co-ed boarding school and international school welcoming over 30 different nationalities. We have helped thousands of students make the transition to studying in the UK and have created this guide so you can prepare your child, and yourself, for them to start studying abroad.

image of a plane taking people to study in the uk

The Advantages Of Studying Overseas

You might be at the beginning of your international school journey, and still weighing up some of the pros and cons. There are a number of fantastic reasons to study overseas including:

Culture - Studying abroad enables students to experience different traditions, customs, and lifestyles, and immerse themselves in a rich cultural environment. It also helps to develop a global mindset, fostering understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity, promoting tolerance and collaboration across cultures.

Level of Education - The UK is home to some of the world’s top educational establishments known for academic excellence. At Sidcot School our students consistently produce outstanding results and we tailor our teaching to each child according to our own learning wheel. For children entering our International School, we have a variety of programmes that support students in integrating with native English speaking students so they can all enjoy the same level of education. This includes our Pre-GCSE Pathway programme and Year 11 Pathway programme. 

Further Opportunities - Studying overseas can open doors to international career opportunities and networks, and allows students to connect with peers from around the world, as well as industry professionals and alumni, such as our own Sidcotians. Building a strong network can provide valuable career resources and collaborations in the future.

Language Skills - Studying in the UK helps students improve their English language skills, as they will be immersed in an English-speaking environment. This can enhance their communication abilities, making them more proficient in both spoken and written English. All international students at Sidcot are enrolled in English As A Second Language (EAL) courses where they will be able to develop their language skills.

Personal Development - One of the main advantages of studying abroad is the chance for students to develop independence, adaptability, and resilience. Your child will learn valuable life skills, such as problem-solving and self-management, which contribute to their overall wellbeing.

Extracurricular Activities - A UK education gives children access to a huge range of enriching activities. Sidcot School is located in the beautiful North Somerset countryside near Bristol, giving children the chance to take part in horse riding, team sports, outdoor learning and many more exciting pursuits in both the countryside and the city. 

Finding The Right Place For Your Child To Study Abroad

international students talking about studying overseas

When you have decided that the time is right and you are ready to start looking at educational establishments for your child to study abroad, you need to do as much research as possible. The process will look a little like this:

Talk to your child

Start by asking your child what is most important to them and define their strengths and weaknesses together. You can then look at schools that can offer your child the kind of education that they will enjoy in an environment they will thrive in. At Sidcot School, we believe in a holistic education, where children are encouraged to be themselves just as much as they are inspired to love learning. We have an ethos of ‘living adventurously’ that allows children to explore every opportunity and be curious about the world around them.

Do Your Research

Look into the results, reputation, and any specialist teaching offered by the senior boarding schools or sixth forms you are interested in. Consider factors like campus facilities, boarding options, and the programme of activities on offer. At schools like Sidcot, you can browse the website and social media to gain a lot of this information, and even view the facilities remotely, for example with our boarding house tours. You can also contact the schools you are interested in directly; admissions teams, teachers, boarding staff, and further people involved in your child’s care would be more than happy to talk you through the process of applying to study overseas, and explain what you can expect from the experience.

Understanding thoroughly what each school can offer will help you determine if it is the right place for your child. 

Check Entry Requirements

You will need to make sure that your child meets the academic and language requirements for their chosen course. Some schools may ask for specific qualifications. The international admissions process at Sidcot requires every child applying to complete an English entrance exam and spoken interview. 

Preparing Your Child For Studying Abroad In The UK

teenager leaving to study in the uk

Once you have decided on where your child will be studying abroad, it’s time to make practical preparations by following these steps:

  1. Secure Finances

You will need to know exactly how much any tuition fees will cost and take into account additional costs such as textbooks, activities or equipment. On top of this, ensure there is adequate provision for living cost, transport and personal expenses. 

To help with these costs when your child is studying in the UK, explore scholarships for studying overseas, or bursaries that might be available for international students. 

  1. Arrange Visas

Your child will need a UK student visa to study in the UK. The application process includes providing financial stability, providing an acceptance letter from a UK institution, and fulfilling health requirements. Ensure that all relevant documents, such as a valid passport, financial statements, and academic records are in order before starting the visa application, and consider hiring an international agent who will be able to guide you through the process and make it much easier. 

  1. Look For Accommodation

International boarding schools, like Sidcot, will have on site boarding houses where students live together. Our stunning houses are attended by Housemasters and Housemistresses who look after our students. It’s advisable to organise accommodation in advance so that your child can start to get excited about their new accommodation. You can book a tour to see any of our boarding houses prior to or after your child’s application is complete.

  1. Organise Insurance

It’s important to arrange insurance for students studying overseas. While the NHS covers most healthcare needs, consider purchasing additional health insurance to cover any extra costs or private healthcare options. You should also ensure your child has all necessary vaccinations and medications before departure and will need to keep a copy of their medical history and prescriptions.

  1. Make Travel Arrangements

Book flights well in advance and plan an easy-to-follow travel itinerary. This should include airport transfers and arrival arrangements (some of which may be arranged by the School). Make sure your child packs their passport and boarding pass too! It’s a good idea to make a checklist of essential items, including academic supplies, and personal items. For children studying in the UK, it’s worth packing warmer clothes as the climate can be colder than what they are used to. Check that baggage adheres to any allowance and restrictions. 

  1. Discuss Safety

Familiarise your child with UK laws and regulations, and ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities as an international student. Provide them with emergency contacts, including local embassy details, university contacts, and local emergency numbers and talk to them about how to stay safe. This will include making them aware of their surroundings, using secure transportation, and knowing who to contact in case of an emergency.

Preparing Your Child Emotionally For Studying Overseas

students studying overseas

It’s crucial to have all the practical elements organised before your child moves to study abroad, but looking after their emotional wellbeing as they navigate this new chapter is also essential. Here are some ways you can prepare your child for studying abroad and living in a new country:

  • Guardians - find out if the school has a Guardianship programme to help children settle in.
  • Cultural awareness - teach your children about what to expect in their new home and the different cultural differences they can expect to encounter.
  • Independence - help your child to be more independent ahead of their move by showing them simple foods to cook, how to budget effectively and managing their time.
  • Communication - studying abroad can be understandably daunting for any child. Let them know you are there to talk at any time and connect them to support services at their new school straight away.
  • Visit - if possible arrange regular visits to see your child and perhaps take time to spend weekends or summer holidays with them.

Sidcot International Boarding School

Sidcot School is incredibly proud of our international community and the opportunities it creates for both international and UK students. The rich and diverse culture that our international school fosters allows all students to thrive and excel. We work hard to make the transition as smooth as possible, supporting you with visas, transport, accommodation and pastoral care. 

Talk to us about how we can support your child studying in the UK and visit one of our open days to see how our international school works and why it’s the right choice for your child.