Andy Tsege is Home!

Andy Tsege is Home!

We are delighted to hear that Andy Tsege has been freed after almost four years imprisonment in Ethiopia. Andy, an Ethiopian born British national has spent much of his life 'speaking truth to power' about the injustices of the Ethiopian regime and was given a death sentence in 2011. 

We as a school have championed Andy's case by sending messages of hope to him in prison, which he has received on two occasions, making a huge difference to his morale. In a harrowing Assembly delivered by his partner Yemi, we empathised with the desperation felt by his young family. We have kept our  vigil candle burning for Andy. As an Asoka School, we promote change making for the greater good, however small our actions. Andy and his family were and are overwhelmed by the support and actions of others. 

This incredibly resilient man returned to the UK on Friday 1st June. Has he decided to simply enjoy being with his family and stop his political activities? No, he has already appeared on the Victoria Derbyshire show (15:00:00) and quietly stated that he will continue to raise awareness of injustices in Ethiopia and elsewhere. Despite four years' wrongful imprisonment, Andy Tsege is determined to 'let his life speak'. He is an inspiration to us all, and we very much look forward to welcoming Andy to Sidcot in the Autumn. 

Centre for Peace and Global Studies

Photographs: courtesy of Sky News