From the Art Department - December 2016

From the Art Department

Week Ending Friday 16 December


We are planning an eleven-day trip to New York and Washington for October 2017. The trip will be primarily an art trip, although all Sixth Form students are welcome to come.


We shall be spending three days with students from Brooklyn Friends' School, working alongside them, and staying in their homes. We shall also be visiting Sidwell Friends' School while we are in Washington. There will of course be lots of sightseeing as well as many gallery visits, and no doubt the opportunity to eat burgers, bagels and hot dogs… maybe even to shop…



For those that wish to come on this trip, I will need confirmation when we return from the Christmas holiday, so please, all Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth students who would like to come on this trip, discuss it with parents over the holiday, and come back in January ready to fill in a permission slip and pay a deposit.


The cost of the trip is currently two thousand pounds, which is a bargain for eleven days in America!


The itinerary and a PowerPoint presentation are on Firefly, under Senior School and Creative Arts.



Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts