From the Art Department – Glasto Banner

From the Art Department

Week Ending Friday 16th June: Banner update

The beautiful mosaic banner that our Lower Fourth students have been creating for display at Glastonbury Festival is now finished and has been couriered off to Worthy Farm in Pilton. If you happen to be at the Festival, please keep an eye out for it, and send us a photograph of it in situ or tag us on Instagram!

Week Ending Friday 9th June: making a very large banner

Lower Fourth artists have been involved in a very exciting project over the past few weeks, creating a very large banner for the charity WaterAid which will be on display at this year's Glastonbury Festival. WaterAid sponsor this festival, and also visited the School earlier in the year with a virtual reality film about the work that they do. This project has been hugely helped by volunteer artists and old scholar Flo Kent, who was a student here in the mid 90s, by Miriam, head of our Peace and Global Studies centre, and by our Art Intern, Laura Nesbitt. Many thanks to all three. We very much look forward to seeing photographs of the finished banner in situ at the festival – Flo, who will be there, has promised to find it and photograph it for us. Sadly we won't be able to have it on display at this year's Festival of Peace here at Sidcot, as it will already be on its way to Glastonbury.

Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts Faculty