From the Art Department - July 2016

From the Art Department



Week ending 8 July

The end of another year, and for the Art Department the end of an era, with the departure of our wonderful 3D teacher Joann Millar who is moving on to a prestigious new role as Head of Art at Cheltenham College. Jo has taught at Sidcot for the past twelve years, a life time for her two boys.


In these years she has taught many many students and I am sure that there are many many students who will have very fond memories of classes with Jo, and will be joining with us to wish her all the very best for the road ahead.


We shall miss you Jo!



In last week’s newsletter I mentioned specific holiday work for our incoming Lower Fifth and Lower Sixth, but I am trusting that the current Lower Fifth and Lower Sixth, who will be moving up a year, will make very good use of the summer holiday to continue with their course work portfolios, and for our A Level / IB students, complete a draft of the essay / comparative study that is a part of this portfolio.


The portfolio deadline for Upper Fifth is Christmas, and we are expecting at least three complete sketchbooks, as well as work outside the sketchbook, which will form part of their exhibition.


The portfolio deadline for Upper Sixth is the February half term, and again we are expecting three sketchbooks of work at the very least, with exhibition work outside the sketchbook.


If there is a chance, I am hopeful that all our examination students will find time to visit an art gallery over the summer holiday, and make a note of this visit in their sketchbooks.


And for photographers, the summer is an ideal time to build up a large collection of photographs that can then be edited and worked with in the Autumn term.

The four photographs of Joann Millar were taken on the very successful New York trip that she organised in February.

Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Art