From the Art Department – Week Ending Friday 12th January

From the Art Department

Friday 12th January

We met Polina Pak at the Sidcot Old Scholars meet just before Christmas, and she showed us this wonderful work that she has been doing. Polina left Sidcot last term, and is now in the first year of a three year degree course at the City and Guilds College of Art  in London. The painting that she has reproduced here, on a much larger scale than the original, is one of my absolute favourites, an allegory of life and death by the 16th century artist known as Bronzino; Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time. I always visit it especially, like an old friend, when I go to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. The foot of the youth to the left of the painting was famously used by the animator Terry Gilliam, in the montaged stop frame animation title sequence of the television comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus. It is our intention to exhibit some work by old scholar's over the festival weekend this coming summer. If any arty old scholar's are reading this, and would like to contribute a work or two for this exhibition, please contact us!

Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts Faculty