Beaver Scouts are starting here at Sidcot!

Beaver Scouts are starting here at Sidcot!

For fun, friendship and after school activities that get boys and girls (aged 6 to 8 years) thinking, as well as doing.

Our first meeting is on Wednesday 12th September, after School, 3.45pm to 5.00pm, in the Junior School Hall.

  • The Scout Association is an inclusive and values-based movement open to young people and adults of all faiths or none.
  • Our values are integrity, respect, care and cooperation, matching the School’s Quaker ethos. Our Motto is ‘Be Prepared’.
  • The Beaver Colony is the first and youngest section in Scouting for boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years in September (there is some flexibility around these ages). Please register your interest beforehand.
  • Beavers will get a chance to try a wide range of activities as well as trips out and overnight sleepovers. At Sidcot, we have opportunities for fun outdoors-based activities right on our doorstep!
  • Our programme is based on non-formal education, geared to learning by doing. Participation, rather than meeting set standards, is the key approach. There is a range of awards to mark individual achievements.
  • With the help of parent helpers, trained adult leaders will run weekly term-time meetings. All will be DBS checked. A fee to cover membership, neckerchief, activity materials and trips out etc will be invoiced.
  • Beavers wear a turquoise top and blue activity trousers (available locally). A special Sidcot neckerchief is presented when the young person is first invested as a Scout.

Any queries?

Contact Sharon Parkman (