Boarders support Chernobyl Children Link Charity

Boarders support Chernobyl Children Link Charity

Last year, School House Girls and School House Boys boarders decided that they would support a charity called CCLC ( the Chernobyl Children link Charity). Over the year, the boarders managed to raise money to help sponsor the UK summer visit of 16 Belarussian children who come from a region in Belarus which was greatly affected by the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986. Being able to stay in the UK for a month will have helped the children boost their immune system for at least four years! With the money that was raised, we were able to sponsor the children's visit to the ss Great Britain as well as the purchase of small presents and sweeties to take home. Last year, we managed to raise £450 and we are hoping to raise even more this year!

Amandine Smilevich
Housemistress SHG/SHB