Boarding News - May 2020

By now, the exam season should be in full swing. This is normally the time when the boarding staff are trying as much as possible to support the boarders by showing extra care and doing random acts of kindness. With no boarders around and this week marking 2 months since the boarders left, SHB and SHG staff were very keen to take part in “Kindness to the community” week to reconnect with normality. We therefore decided to extend our help to the local community.

On Monday, Rachel Jones (SHB matron) baked some cakes for her neighbours, helped by her son Josh. On Tuesday they decided to be creative and painted pebbles which they left around the streets to make people smile. Dzianis Smilevich (SHB Deputy) had a similar idea (put a smile on people’s face) so he took Lola for a walk and let her sit on her favourite bench down the ville. People passing by would just look and grin. Mission accomplished! He also tried to be creative and made a few hearts that will be delivered to hospitals next week.


Lexie Raymond (SHG matron) decided that she was going to make masks in an effort to support her neighbours and friends. Mathilde Simon (SHG Deputy) visited her grandmother and spent time reading to her in her garden (social distancing of course!). Immy Mills (SHG boarding graduate assistant) ran 5 km and so did Matt Jarman (SHB Deputy), raising money for Weston Hospicecare. Sam Loud (SHB boarding tutor) did some voluntary work and helped local businesses with cleaning and painting. Anna Phippen (SHG Deputy) took the more multi tasking approach! (see photo) She tried to record her walk on Strava and somehow managed to break a few world records I think! (The wonders of technology!!).

Kindness 3

Kindness in the community was all about uniting people and I am so glad to see that the community spirit that is so important in SHB and SHG lives on despite the current events.

Amandine Smilevich
Housemistress of SHB and SHG