The Newcombe community have found themselves flung to all corners of the world during the last few months, but this hasn’t stopped us having fun and keeping in touch in a variety of ways!
Our WhatsApp group has seen conversations that usually begin with something to do with food! We have loved seeing what people have been cooking at home and sharing mouthwatering pictures of various cakes, biscuits and even the imaginative (if not a little strange, in some cases) sandwiches!!
Helen and her mum has been making beautiful patterned masks for their local hospital in Germany, and delivering them. She shared her pictures with us and we were amazed at how adept they were. The hospital was not surprisingly, extremely grateful.
One of our favourite topics has been what we’re having for dinner, and it is fair to say that worldwide, pasta remains one of the firm favourites with fish and chips and steak also featuring highly!
Recently a few girls joined me for a Teams meeting, where we all looked out of each other’s windows. We had a mixture of impressive high rise building, lush green countryside and pitch black!! I was also treated to hearing students play the piano (when I hadn’t even known they knew how to!) and some hilarity around lock down hair styles.
I think we are all missing each other greatly, but we have definitely been able to connect and support each other over the last few months. It has made us all realise how important it is to keep in touch and help each other to stay positive. Despite not quite knowing how it will look, we’re all looking forward to the prospect of being back together in September as part of Sidcot and the Newcombe community.