The Cashmore Poetry Competition 2018

The Cashmore Poetry Competition 2018

On Thursday 14th June 35 students from J5 and J6, Third Form and Fourth Form competed in the Cashmore Poetry Competition showing off their creativity in French, Spanish and German. The event started with seven poems read by native speakers in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Mandarin and British Sign Language.

The competition started firstly with the recitation of the Spanish poem Amigos De Colores by J5 students, and then J6 performed La Girafe in French. Sidcot students demonstrated not only to be creative, but also to be good communicators and internationally minded enquirers.
Well done to our winners:


  1. Charles Radford
  2. Sophia Redford & Naomi Resuggan
  3. Lily Holman & Phoebe Wring

Third Form

  1. Felix Hamilton
  2. Pedro Abad
  3. Maddalena Giana

Lower Fourth

  1. Carmen Sala Molina
  2. Keshav Singal & Michael Hooper
  3. TomTom Lloyd & William Munro-March

Upper Fourth

  1. Theo Pundsack
  2. Ed Binks
  3. Lily Barker-Whyatt

Special thanks to the hard working MFL teachers, to all parents, guardians and heads of school, staff and students who attended and supported the competitors, to housekeeping, Sixth Formers and students for their contribution in the organisation of the event. And of course, thanks to all competitors who took part with their enthusiasm.

All’anno prossimo!

Stefania Cauli
Teacher of Languages