Chemists Victorious

Chemists Victorious

On Wednesday 29th January, three Lower Sixth students represented Sidcot at the Royal Society of Chemistry analytical chemistry competition at Bristol University. After a car drive full of team building exercises we were ready to tackle a series of chemical challenges in the university laboratories. There were two sessions with titrations, absorption analysis and a theoretical chemistry task. This was followed by a hilarious and exciting lecture full of entertaining experiments involving liquid nitrogen and exploding hydrogen. Things then got even better when the results were announced and Sidcot was the winner. Along with other prizes we were given some flowers which had survived the liquid nitrogen demonstration and we took them to thank Mr Scott for giving us the motivation and opportunity to experience the competition. Thanks also to Mrs Taylor for her unwavering driving skills.

The team: Freddie Brasher, Nina Guy and Ilja Bazenov.

Jim Scott
Head of Science Faculty