Drawing Weekend at Monkton Wyld

Drawing Weekend at Monkton Wyld

Last weekend was our annual Senior School drawing weekend at Monkton Wyld. We have been running this trip now for over a quarter of a century!

Monkton Wyld is and educational community near Lyme Regis, and a very beautiful place. A Victorian manor house with farm attached, so as much of the food as possible is home grown, including the milk, that comes directly from the cows in jugs. The food is fabulous!

Our teacher, David Bernson, was taught by the artist Cecil Collins, and passes on this technique to us. Over a whole weekend of drawing, mostly very short poses, the drawings are worked very quickly and loosely in elemental media – Chinese ink, sanguine, charcoal, and graphite, using reed pens and quills and Chinese brushes, and sometimes fingers as well, and all drawings done using both hands simultaneously. The idea is to break down an attachment to any one drawing, and just let the media flow – which is does!

Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Arts Faculty