Dressage competition at Millfield School

Dressage competition at Millfield School

Sidcot's dressage team travelled to Millfield School to compete against dressage riders from schools all across the south west region.

Henry Blair (Third Form) ,Sophie Lee (Third Form), Erin Crofts (Lower Fourth) and Lauren Wilkins (Lower Fifth) had turned their ponies out to an extremely high standard, some working very hard with the shampoo the day before the competition to ensure they were sparkling.

Sidcot's team all executed lovely well ridden tests and should be congratulated on their brilliant team spirit throughout the day, coping very well against some much older and very experienced competitors. The team has gained some fabulous experience for future years to come. Also a big well done to Erin and her pony Symondsbury Rosco who placed fifth in the individual competition.

Thank you to all the parents involved for their superb support.