The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The finishing of exams has given an opportunity to fit in a couple of DofE expeditions. Lower Fourth students completed challenging routes on Exmoor, including ascents of Dunkery Beacon, the highest point in Somerset. The weather was mixed, but everyone enjoyed the expedition and passed the assessment so they should now be able to complete the Bronze award by entering the Physical Recreation, Skill and Volunteering sections on eDofE.

The following weekend, Lower Sixth students returned to Exmoor and in better weather did their training expedition for Silver or Gold. Some of the groups were up at 5.30am on the last day so they could complete the route and get back to school for the Festival of Peace.

Congratulations to Nikita Sergeev who has completed his Gold award. Nikita completed his Silver award in pathway and the gold during his two years in the Sixth Form.

Jim Scott
DofE Manager