Exhibition Opening: Playing the Waiting Game

Exhibition Opening: Playing the Waiting Game by Christine Egan-Fowler

An exhibition of works on the theme of memory, recently exhibited at the Baltic Centre in Gateshead.

Friday 20 January 6.30pm to 7.30pm, all welcome

Life class work from Christine’s students also on display, alongside work from Sidcot students, created during the Monkton Wyld weekend.

We are currently mounting a new exhibition, which is a collaboration between Sidcot School and the Royal Grammar School (RGS) in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

The main exhibition is the work of artist/teacher Christine Egon-Fowler, who teaches at RGS, and also recently had an exhibition of her work at the prestigious Baltic Arts centre in Gateshead. Christine won the Baltic’s Artist Teacher Award in 2012/13 and was also awarded their Artworks Fellowship in 2015.

Christine’s own works include paintings, sound, film, performance, and collaboration with other artists. On show at Sidcot will be some of her large abstract paintings, created with everyday cleaning materials such as Brasso, Vim, calamine lotion and Windolene, materials that are very evocative of the artist’s childhood in the 1970s.

The show includes paintings and drawings by Sixth Form students at RGS, created in the weekly life drawing class that Christine runs, which have been partly inspired by a workshop that Christine attended at Sidcot School a couple of years ago.

Alongside the work of the RGS students will be a selection of life drawings that our own students created in December during the Monkton Wyld life drawing weekend.

Life class work from Christine’s students also on display, alongside work from Sidcot students, created during the Monkton Wyld weekend.

Ross Wallis
Head of Creative Art