Exmoor Bronze DofE Expedition

Last weekend we took 22 Lower Fifth students to Exmoor to complete their Bronze DofE Expedition. 

The weekend started with a shopping trip for all expedition food. Groups were given a budget and asked to buy all of their food and snacks for the duration using a menu/shopping list that they had previously planned. Bags of sweets, dried fruit, pasta and chocolate bars later, we were off on our way to Exmoor.
The weather stayed dry and warm and all (just!) about made it to Dunkery Beacon, the highest point in Somerset.  We had a restful nights sleep at a campsite in Porlock. 

The second day took us on the coastal path and down into Minehead. The steep hill of Hurlstone Combe was exhausting but there were many other local schools out on DofE expeditions doing similar routes.

The gentle sea breeze took the edge off the burning afternoon sun although there were plenty of pink faces once back on the mini bus to school!
A big well done to all teams who we can happily say all passed their expedition sections. Time to crack on with finishing the other sections and hopefully we will see you in assembly with a certificate very soon.

Steph Tidey
Outdoor Learning Coordinator