The Great Sidcot Christmas Bake Off

The Great Sidcot Christmas Bake Off

Sixteen students participated in this popular inter-house competition held on Wednesday 16 December. Four students working in pairs were selected to represent each of the Sidcot Houses, which culminated with the final presentations on the Meeting House stage at the end of the Sidcot's Got Talent competition.

West House – Harvey Dee Panay, Gracie Fletcher, Tom Ashworth, Jonathan Coombes.
East House – Imogen Moroney, Alice Joyner, Oscar Byles, Tim Williams.
South House – Oliver Davis, Tom Harkins, James Cope, Owen Wright.
North House – Joe Hart, Mathias Benischkle, Ben Broadbent, Eddie Binks.

The students were provided with a Madeira sponge cake recipe and the ingredients for their task of baking and decorating a Christmas cake within a three hour period. Their final bake was then judged by the Head Chef Anthony Wainfur, Deputy Head Russell Spooner, Deputy Head of Mathematics Richard Gower and myself.

I was extremely impressed by the quality of the baking in the competition, the unique presentations and above all the dedication that all the students showed. Most were very reluctant to even leave the room for lunch. I know a number of the students had given up weekends and evenings to prepare for the event which was evident from the imaginative designs and advanced techniques used.

Imogen and Alice scooped the first prize with their professionally presented Extreme Chocolate Rudolph cake. Oscar and Tim where awarded second place for their well-presented and precisely iced cake whilst Harvey and Gracie were awarded the third prize for their three tier creation. 
The prize winners were presented with chef’s hats and whites. Each student was presented with a Christmas selection and earned themselves loads of House Points.

Thanks to the genius of Andy Darvill and Cameron Smith, the event was broadcasted live to the rest of the school in the Meeting House allowing other students to see, at intervals, the entertaining progress made by the talented students.

It was a fantastic event and I feel that everyone was a winner!

Donna Cox
Teacher of Food Technology

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