Iceland Geography Trip 2017

Iceland Geography Trip 2017

Twenty-seven students have just returned from their Geography trip to Iceland. There where many activities such as: standing on the side of volcanoes, walking behind and on top of huge waterfalls, visiting an earthquake zone, seeing geothermal energy plants, swimming in the Blue Lagoon, walking on a glacier, standing on volcanic beaches, seeing dramatic caves, arches and stacks and watching a geyser. 

The trip was an excellent way for students to see at first hand the amazing tectonic, fluvial and glacial processes in action in such a beautiful country. There were many highlights, but most students loved wearing the crampons and using the axes in order to walk on a glacier. It was sad to see by just how much this glacier had retreated since our last visit two years ago, highlighting the issue of global warming. Another unexpected highlight for some students was to witness the northern lights above the hotel. It was hard to photograph, but it literally lit the sky above with bright green swirling clouds. 

Finally, may I thank my two colleagues Jake and Charlotte Resuggan for their assistance and the amazing 27 students and parents/guardians for making this trip happen. Our next Geography trip will hopefully be to Mount Etna, Sicily. An announcement on this will be made soon.

Matthew Curtis-Dyke
Head of Geography Department