Let Your Life Speak: Jacob Dunne

Let Your Life Speak: Jacob Dunne

Wednesday 8th November

We were joined by Jacob Dunne throughout the day in our classes and as our Let Your Life Speak guest in the evening.

Jacob Dunne was sentenced to 30 months in custody in November 2011 for manslaughter, after a drunken assault on James Hodgkinson on a night out. Upon release Jacob was approached by James’s parents; this is when Jacob realised he needed to turn his life around. He met James’s parents during a restorative justice meeting. Jacob now speaks about how his life spiralled out of control and how this meeting brought him back from the brink. In March 2016 James’s parents and Jacob took part in the ITV programme “Meeting my Enemy” where they discussed the restorative justice meeting. Jacob now studies criminology at University. He has volunteered and worked across both public and private sectors in the criminal justice sector, and continues to campaign alongside David and Joan (James’s parents) to raise awareness that a single punch can kill. 

We found Jacob to be an extraordinary man who captured the audiences attention and gave much food for thought to our students.

Mirriam Gosling
Director of Peace & Global Studies