Let Your Life Speak: Tom Littlewood – Ginkgo Projects

Let Your Life Speak: Tom Littlewood – Ginkgo Projects

Wednesday 26th April 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the Arts Centre

Tom founded Ginkgo Projects in 2001 after having led the arts charity Independent Public Arts. Originally a landscape architect he broadened his practice to encompass the concepts of linking cultural planning and placemaking in the mid 1990s. He has wide and grounded experience in generating and leading creative projects that integrate art and creativity as a key element of environmental, architectural and regenerative schemes.

As Director of Ginkgo Projects Ltd, and also social enterprise Wide Open (South Scotland) Ltd, he has spent the last 20 years developing and delivering both rural and urban cultural development programmes all over the UK.

Interested in coming to this talk? Please email Miriam Gosling. All welcome.

More about Ginkgo Projects