A Level success for Sidcot School

A Level success for Sidcot School

Students at Sidcot School achieved some impressive A Level results this year with 63% achieving high grade passes (A* to B) and an impressive 40% celebrating A* or A grades. As a non-selective school these results are particularly notable as they demonstrate how a non-pressurised approach to exams can pay dividends.


The School has developed a reputation for shunning the ‘exam factory’ approach to education, in line with the current thinking of Amanda Spielman, Ofsted Chief Inspector. Instead it prides itself on developing a love for learning in its students, this offers a platform to achieve outstanding results without the need for the stressful ‘hot house’ style of schooling.


Headmaster Iain Kilpatrick commented on this year’s outcome and said: “We are once again delighted with such an impressive set of results. However, the good grades only tell part of the story; they are a blunt measure of the School’s overall performance. We are determined to provide a broad and balanced education that ensures our students are equipped with the skills they need for a life outside of education. At Sidcot we develop important qualities, such as critical thinking and resilience that will prepare students for life, not just an exam.”


There were a number of standout results, including Zak Brannan (from Axbridge) who achieved an outstanding three A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics and an A in Chemistry. Zak will join Durham University to read for a degree in Mathematics followed by a Masters, before a career in either academia or finance. Zak said: “I’m so happy it went so well. I’ve loved my time at Sidcot. I started here in Reception so it’s been 14 years! I think Sidcot has been a really nurturing place and I’ve really enjoyed the School’s Quaker ethos.” Zak’s parents were initially drawn to Sidcot as the Junior School doesn’t do the controversial SATs tests.


Finlay Bosworth (from Weston-super-Mare) achieved an impressive A* in Art and A grades in History and Economics. He also achieved an A grade in his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). He intends to study a degree in Philosophy and History. Finlay said: “I was up all night worrying but once I got the results I was so happy all the hard work had paid off. The School, and especially the teaching staff, have been really supportive – it’s such a peaceful environment to study in.” Finlay achieved these impressive grades despite missing lessons due to significant periods of illness in his first year of studies. He has spent the summer holidays putting pen to paper writing his first book!

Zoe Mercer (from Winscombe) achieved an A in Fine Art, a B in Product Design and a C in Business. Earlier in the year Zoe also achieved an A* in her EPQ which she says helped significantly in her university application process. The project was entitled 'Create a statement piece that represents an environmental issue', which resulted in constructing a big octopus made from recyclable materials! From Sidcot, Zoe will go on to read Industrial Design at Brunel University London and she hopes to pursue a career in design. Zoe says: "My DT teacher was very supportive throughout my course and he was always there when you needed him, including outside of lesson times – during lunch, after school and even over the school holidays. I am very grateful." Over the summer Zoe has learnt how to drive and has been on various holidays, not least before squeezing in another before term starts!

Maddy Hann (from Wedmore) achieved A grades in Fine Art and 3D Design and a B in Textile Design. "I couldn't sleep all night! Now I have my results I feel relieved and happy with what I got." Maddy will read Fashion Knitwear at Nottingham Trent University and hopes to make a career in Knitwear after her degree. She adds: "Sidcot has enabled me to build my confidence. I received a lot of support during Sixth Form and was encouraged by teachers. As a result I have become more open to new ideas." During the Summer holidays Maddy has been working in a café to help fund that student life! 

Piers Langford (from Sidcot), who achieved a C in Mathematics, an A in Business and a B in Chemistry, was extremely happy to get a place at Swansea University to read Business Management. He said: "My time at Sidcot has helped me gain a lot of confidence in talking with teachers and other adults, and also in dealing with professional situations." During Piers' degree he will undergo a placement year which will assist in deciding what career path to take.


A number of curriculum areas delivered flawless performances, in particular History, German and Design Technology with 100% of students achieving A* to B grades. Twelve students are also celebrating their achievement of A* to B grades in Further Maths.


These results follow the School’s recent success in the International Baccalaureate (IB). Sidcot offers this highly regarded international qualification as an alternative to A Levels, with its broad curriculum and emphasis on study skills, community service and internationalism. This year Sidcot Students achieved an average diploma points score of 31, which maintains the School’s record of overachieving the International average score.


Headmaster Iain Kilpatrick concludes: “We are all extremely proud of what our students have achieved but I’m equally proud that they will leave Sidcot with the confidence and self-awareness that will set them in good stead for their future.”



To find out more about the School’s results or studying in the Sixth Form email us or register for our Open Morning on Friday 28 September.

Group photo (from left to right): Rosie Andrew, Head of Careers; Iain Kilpatrick, Headmaster; Zoe Mercer; Piers Langford; Zak Brannan; Maddy Hann; Graham Hartley, IB Coordinator.