Lower Fourth Topic: Preventing Food Waste

Lower Fourth Topic: Preventing Food Waste

Question: “How can we change our throw away culture in the school dining room?”

How to save food?! – by Naomi House, 8JSR

In my house we try not to waste food but we do waste quite a lot which isn’t good. But recently we have started using all the leftovers to create pies and just random stuff, for example after a roast dinner you can use the carrots, potatoes and meat etc… to make bubble and squeak or after a meal using pasta you could make a pasta salad.

Also if you are using a lot of different fruits you can eat your salad and use the leftovers for a smoothie or freeze them to use again or to make a lolly pop!

Food waste – by Beth Kolind, 8JSR

I don’t think I waste food, hardly ever, at home but at school I waste a bit. Why?

I think I waste a little bit of food at school because everyone just wants to go and play at break time so we all eat as fast as we can to get as much break as possible. But if you don’t eat enough then you will get grumpy and tired and your brain won’t process properly.

If I could do something about it in school I would say that at least one person should wait for the other. But it isn’t that simple.

Sometimes, when I take more than I need, I feel guilty that I can’t eat it all and then need to throw the food away. I do think that change always has to start with yourself. You should start with you, then help other people and soon, they will tell others and so on. My hope is that if we stop wasting food at this school, more schools will see what we have done and they’ll do the same, so it will be like and everlasting chain. The world might be a cleaner, better place.