Lydia Syson Story Winner 2017 – Week Ending Friday 9th June

Lydia Syson Story Winner 2017

All English classes wrote movingly in response to author Lydia Syson's inspiring visit in the Autumn Term. We are delighted to announce that Sidcot's James Barber's novella entitled 'These talking walls was selected as the winning entry.  Impressively, several other Sidcot students' entries were commended too: Luca Cookson (Third Form), Sarah Carr (Upper Fourth), Jim Mitchell and Jacob Perry (Upper Fourth), Indeigh Winterson and Anna Sties (Lower Fifth). Many thanks to Andrea Grist, Librarian, for organising the visit and the English team for shaping such good entries.

You can read James's stirring piece on Lydia's website.

Deirdre Cattermole
Head of English Faculty