National Careers Week

We will shortly be supporting National Careers Week at Sidcot School. This national campaign is supported by schools and colleges across the UK and aims to celebrate and promote good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). As you will know, the school has made considerable strides in enhancing CEIAG provision and this event is one of many initiatives planned to make careers a prominent feature of the Sidcot entitlement.

During the week, a number activities will be taking place, as follows:

  • A careers themed curriculum – teachers will promote career awareness linked to their curriculum subject(s);
  • In PSHE and FLEX sessions, tutors will be focussing on career education themes;
  • In the Sixth Form, students will take part in a Sixth Form Careers Challenge – tutor groups will go head to head to achieve the highest score.

On Wednesday, 7th March from 2pm to 4pm, Senior School students (Years 7 to 13) will take part in a range of activities as follows:

  • A Higher Education/Careers Fair will take place in the Arts Centre Foyer and be open to parents and students to attend from 4pm to 5pm. Around 15 organisations will be attending including local universities;
  • Years 7-10 will be taking part in a careers speed-dating event in the Refectory to help them find out about different careers;
  • Parents will be contributing to ‘Let Your Career Speak’ talks aimed at providing students with first hand career insights and advice. Careers covered include Medicine, Veterinary Science, Law, Engineering, HR, Business careers and more;
  • There will be career challenges for younger students including quizzes, card sorts and employability maps looking at unusual job titles, transferable skills as well as jobs of the future;
  • There will be post-16 talks covering higher education and degree apprenticeship options for Year 11 to 13 students.

As you will know, the choices facing young people have never been so diverse or complex. With the review of higher education tuition fees announced this week, the government has also acknowledged that students need more advice and support in understanding progression routes including other forms of higher education and degree apprenticeships. At Sidcot, we want to help students broaden their horizons and understand all the options available to them. National Careers Week helps us to do this – and provides staff and students with the impetus and imagination to explore so many more exciting career opportunities, yet to be considered. Please do support us!

Rosie Andrew
Head of Careers & Higher Education