Today is National Poetry Day - at Sidcot, that means poetry-themed lessons and phenomenal poetry creations from Sidcot students.
In one Year 8 Class, the students looked at Imtiaz Dharker’s poem, ‘The Right Word’. It asks questions about the reliability of language, and the sometimes unhelpful nature of the label or media soundbite, designed to sensationalise, divide, cause anger, embed prejudice, fear and resentment. Her humane and intelligent approach to identity asks us to understand that perspective, patience and compassion are key to a healthier interaction with others. Fear is not the answer. Observing and staying open, being courageous is.
In a messy analysis of the poem, the students wrote down their ideas and thoughts on their desks, keeping the topic fun and engaging! Here are just a few photos of the class in action:
Many students also submitted their own poetry on the subject of 'refuge' to mark the occassion. Here are just a few of our standout entries.
By Gigi, Year 8
It sounds cringey to call you my home,
It makes me sound desperate
Or sad,
Or over the top.
When I was little I dreamed of a big house and pets and
Thinking that as long as I had luxury I would always have
somewhere to stay.
I suppose, in the most literal sense, this is true.
But what about me?
Would my mind be at rest with nothing but money?
Of course not.
As I got older I dreamed of something more,
Of landscapes and feelings and space.
The thought of you never occurred to me,
Until suddenly,
It did.
You are my refuge,
My haven,
My home.
You are a wide expanse of valleys and rivers,
A delicate dell of bluebells.
You smell like cinnamon and coffee,
Like frosted air and mint.
You live in forever and I'm just along for the ride.
You are my refuge,
My haven,
My home.
A Hard Day of Work
By Ila, Year 8
A hard day of work,
Pressure builds on your shoulders.
Thoughts of deadlines and essays getting as big as boulders.
Stepping through the doorway seeing familiar faces
A wave comes crashing in from all sorts of places.
Your mind needs to rest and so do you
You could go on a walk, let your thoughts through.
The sunlight calms, the birds soothe
You have landed in an unknown land
It's called tranquility and it was waiting for you.
You can return whenever you want,
All you have to do is go on a walk.