Parental Engagement Evening

Parental Engagement Evening

Last week saw the first of our parental engagement evenings for this year with a specific focus on Teaching and Learning. We had a great turnout with parents of children from Reception through to the sixth form. During the session we looked several of the key features of learning at Sidcot, including the Sidcot Wheel – why it came about, how it reflects our ethos and pedagogical practice and how it is pervading the work of the School. Parents were also given time to reflect on their own children’s needs and how the School can work with them to produce healthy, happy learners who develop the personal as well as academic skills needed to succeed. Rosie Andrew, our recently appointed Head of Careers, spoke to parents about the new developments with careers across the school and particularly identified the employability skills that sit centrally within Sidcot’s academic and pastoral provision. At the end of the session we emphasised the importance of parents and school working together and asked for suggestions about the kind of topics parents would like to see offered in future evening sessions. We had lovely feedback and some fantastic ideas put forward – the programme for the rest for the year will be coming out soon, we hope to see you there!

Charlotte Resuggan
Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning