The Reconciliation of Letlapa and Ginn

The Reconciliation of Letlapa and Ginn

We listened with interest to Howard Grace in Assembly this week. Howard spent four years in South Africa in the 1970s and experienced many harrowing incidents under apartheid. In a more recent visit, he made a film documenting the reconciliation of Letlapa and Ginn. Ginn's daughter was killed by Letlapa's soldiers, as reprisal for black students being killed for boycotting school. The appalling 'tit for tat' mentality of the time, led to so many tragic deaths and led to years of confusion, bitterness and hatred.

However, when Ginn forgave Letlapa, it touched something deep inside him, restoring his humanity (his words). He recognises that as a spiritual experience, despite claiming to be an atheist. The power of forgiveness allows the healing process to begin.

Howard's film trailer certainly provided food for thought and I look forward to showing the whole film to discussion groups in the near future.

Charlotte House
Teacher of REP