Sidcot Arts Centre News - February 2016

Sidcot Arts Centre News

Last chance to see!

If you haven’t managed to get along to the three stunning international standard exhibitions currently showing, there is just ONE WEEK to go!

Running until Saturday 20 February are: Mother Love, Ikuko Iwamoto and My Eyes. We are open Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Students get involved

There has been a fantastic response from the Students to the current shows.

Drama have been devising and performing response pieces to the Mother Love exhibition which follows the artist Jenni Dutton’s mother on her journey into dementia. Music students have also been composing songs around their favourite artworks from this show and English have been creating written pieces too. Generally, all the exhibitions have really fired their imagination.

Jenni Dutton inspires!

The AS Level Textiles group were treated to a talk by Jenni Dutton this week. She captivated the Students by talking about how she started as an Artist, shared her portfolio, sketch books and techniques used in the dementia darnings. Jenni also talked about her mother’s dementia.

On the same day we welcomed Strode College Art students to the exhibitions and they were also given a talk by Jenni.

Coming up

The next exhibition will be the IB and Upper Fourth exhibition. This will not be open to the public but if parents would like to see the show, please contact Ross Wallis for an appointment. 

We’re also excited to announce our next “external” show in May and June. Renowned Photographer Mark Edwards brings his 'Hard Rain' and 'Whole Earth' exhibition to Sidcot. More details to follow.

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