Sidcot students exchange letters with children from Nepal

Sidcot students exchange letters with children from Nepal

A group of Lower Fifth students have started a letter exchange with pupils in Shree Jana Jagriti Higher Secondary School, Nepal. This follows on from an assembly by Will Jonas who visited Nepal during the recent earthquake and came back to share his story about volunteering to help after the devastation. Will recently returned to Nepal and took with him letters from around 30 Sidcot Senior School students. When he returned he brought back some beautiful replies from the students in Nepal. Some of the letters have been copied to accompany this article.

The plan now is to return their letters and also create videos of life at Sidcot School as part of a wider cultural exchange. We hope that this link becomes long term. The letters will be displayed in the hub shortly so that all the students in the school can see them.

Matthew Jarman
Deputy Head of Fifth Form

We all feel so privileged to be part of the project. Writing the letters was fun, but seeing all the letters come back was such an amazing feeling. The poems that they had written and the drawings they had created, made us feel that we were part of something really special.

Clara Mann
Lower Fifth Student

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