Simple, Contemporary, Radical – The Quaker Way since 1650

Simple, Contemporary, Radical- The Quaker Way since 1650

Exhibition at Sidcot Arts Centre Tuesday 20 September 4.30pm to 7.30pm

They drafted the first document calling for the abolition of slavery.

They co-founded Greenpeace, Oxfam, CND, and Amnesty International.

Since 1650 they advanced the rights of women and their activism in support of same sex marriage was key to its legalisation.

A faith that believes there is that of God - or light - in everyone renders discrimination inconceivable and dispenses with hierarchy and dogma.

There are Muslim Quakers, Jewish Quakers and Atheist Quakers.

Quaker is a SIMPLE, CONTEMPORARY, RADICAL way, tirelessly urging our world towards a more progressive state.

If you would like to visit this exhibition and speak to Katy, please contact email or call 01394 845233 (ext. 339).

Miriam Gosling
Director of Peace and Global Studies