Sixth Form Ball

Sixth Form Ball

Last Friday we celebrated the Sixth Form Ball, at Rookery Manor.  It was a formal “black tie” event, and all the Sixth Formers had great fun dressing up and they all looked fabulous.  The theme this year was “The Academy Awards” and the tables were all named after famous films.
After the welcome drinks, we had a meal followed by speeches, with Alex Andersson and Jade Corbett, our Head Boy and Girl, introducing Lexi Westcott and Ernie Waller-Whitehouse, who presented awards to their fellow students.  Charlie Harper was a popular winner of the contested “Catwalk Award”, for having the most swagger in their walk!

After the awards, the music and dancing began, with the DJ aided by some suggestions of favourite tracks from Fifi Olumogba.  The Ball drew to a close at midnight and everyone agreed it had been a great evening.
Thank you to all for supporting the Sixth Form Ball again this year.

Simon Allen
Head of Sixth Form

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