Sponsor a child at Sidcot School, Sierra Leone

Sponsor a child at Sidcot School, Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, now declared Ebola-free, has remained difficult for people: Everything is expensive and food supplies scarce. The epidemic wiped out  the adults at John Thorpe Village, Rokel, leaving behind many children, for whom Rokel Quakers have opened an orphanage, Hope House. We are trying hard to give the children as normal a life as possible. Sidcot School UK sent uniforms, books and other equipment for a new school created for the orphans, now called Sidcot School, Sierra Leone. The situation has not been helped by the devastating and unprecedented floods during monsoon rains in October 2015 and July 2016. Both Hope House and clinic were flooded so badly that the children were forced to move out and live under very poor conditions. That situation is now improving. We are in desperate need of funding to care for these children.

Education and health in Sierra Leone are not free, nor accommodation, food and clothing. We need money to provide them all. We are now asking if individuals or groups of people in Britain, such as meetings for worship, would be willing to sponsor a child and help us give them a better start in life.