Sports Reports Week Ending 10 June

Sports Reports Week Ending 10 June

Senior Sports Day 2016 Wednesday 22 June 
(Reserve day is Friday 24 June)

Our annual Senior Sports Day is scheduled for Wednesday 22 June. Events will begin at 10.30am and continue through until 12.30pm when we will break for lunch. The programme will resume at 1.30pm and conclude with the relays at approximately 3.30pm. This will be followed by tea and the presentation of the individual cups and shields and the House prize.

We very much hope that you will come and support our students at this prestigious event. It is always a competitive yet friendly occasion where both talent and enthusiasm are on show.

The order of events will be published in next week's newsletter and will include some exciting new team challenges. Students will know the events in which they are competing and the team lists will be posted on the notice boards in the Sports Centre foyer, along with advice and information about the day – a copy of which will also be included next week – all will help ensure that our students are well prepared!

We do hope to see you there. Feel free to bring a picnic if you wish.

Rosie Bellinger
Head of PE Faculty

U13 Rounders v Priory School, Tuesday 7 June: Sidcot 13.5 – 14.5  Priory 

For the first innings Sidcot were first to bat, with Katie and Olivia giving some good wallops and even trying some backhand batting, as well as an injured Frankie, all helped to secure points to assist Sidcot’s score to 7.5 rounders. 

Priory were very sharp with their fielding skills and managed to catch 7 out 9 Sidcot girls' balls. With just Keira and Masie left they unfortunately only had 25 balls. With Priory in to bat next, Sidcot showed some hearty fielding skills from Freya who was bowler and Bella sitting just off third post as a fielder but kept cover of the post. The girls have improved with their communication which was evident in this match, really working hard to help each other out. Priory managed to score 8.5 rounders so the next innings was going to be tough as nails.

The second innings also saw some mega strong batting from the team, but the girls were even stronger when it came to fielding. We decided to change positions and had Olivia covering first base to put priory under pressure which worked a right treat. Sarah and Amber worked well deep fielding, with Amber backing up Frankie on second base and Sarah catching the ball one-handed just off of third base. Score! Tidy.

Player of the match: Amber Spillane

Viki Lough
Graduate Intern (PE)

U14 Rounders v Priory School, Tuesday 7 June: Sidcot 9.5 –  Priory 11

This proved another solid performance from this team, who always approach every encounter with determined and positive spirit.

Having been put in to bat first they did their utmost to accumulate a good score for Priory to chase. Good fielding from the Priory girls did much to limit our scoring, but our left handers, Lucy Chen and Valentina Tsaroullas did really well.

Sidcot then went out to field. Gracie Fletcher bowled with really good pace and made it really difficult for the Priory batters to get good contact. Some good fielding and cover limited the Priory score to 7 – so all was set for an exciting second innings.

In bat, Sidcot continued to score a few ½ and whole rounders, but a final score of 9 ½ required some really tenacious fielding if a win was to be had!

Priory came back in to bat and were held very successfully to start by some good linkage between backstop Indeigh Winterson and 2nd post Lucy Chen. It was not to be, however, and Priory edged to, and then surpassed the target.

A very close and enjoyable game, played in good competitive spirit.

Well done to all.

Player of the match – Indeigh Winterson

Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty

Girls’ U15 Rounders v Priory School, Tuesday 7 June: Sidcot 1.5 – 23 Priory

Priory brought a very strong contingent of girls to Sidcot on a wonderfully sunny afternoon to play our U15 girls, who unfortunately on this occasion were slightly under strength due to other commitments. Emma Kilpatrick and Lucy Rossiter kindly stepped in at last minute and after being put into bat, it was Emma who scored the first and only rounder of the game. Sidcot continued to make good contact with the bat during both innings, but were denied the opportunity to score by some very sharp fielding and catches from the Priory girls.

In previous games Sidcot had rather let themselves down by sloppy fielding, but on this occasion they were forced to be far more alert and decisive if they were going to restrict the strong hitters of Priory from totally dominating the game.

Millie Ashdown, Frida Cardale and Ellie Aizlewood especially raised their performances with some astute movement and excellent throwing and catching from deep in the field. Their accuracy and quick thinking often denied the Priory girls from scoring full rounders. However, it was the strong running to second post that Priory really excelled in allowing them to notch up many half rounders which quickly added to their overall score.

Immy Moroney again enjoyed a very steady and controlled game as bowler, but up against the strong batsmen of Priory, the final result was sadly always going to rather inevitable, despite the best efforts of this Sidcot team.               

Player of the match: Immy Moroney

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

Avon Athletics Championships at Yate stadium – Saturday 11 June

We have had a number of students who have been selected to represent North Somerset at these Championships – brilliant!

These are: Freya King, Sarah Carr, Imogen Moroney, Thomas Duvall, Charlie Derham and Adam Garner-Greene. We wish them good performances in their various events on Saturday.

Rosie Bellinger
Head of PE Faculty

Boys’ U12 & 13 Cricket v St Katherine’s School, Wednesday 8 June:  Sidcot – 55 all out  /  St K – 56 for 5

On a picture perfect summer’s afternoon, a combined Years 7 and 8 team entertained a strong and experienced squad from St Katherine’s School for their second match of the season.  Having elected to bat first, Sidcot soon found themselves under pressure with the St Katherine's bowlers finding their rhythm from the outset. Despite their aggressive bowling, St Katherine’s were unable to break through the solid defence of Henry Hawkins and Eddy Binks, as the Sidcot opening pair fought their way through the first few overs, battered, but with their wickets intact.

The unrelenting pressure soon told however, and after a couple of quick wickets Sidcot found themselves on the back foot. Although Sidcot kept the scoreboard ticking over, St Katherine’s ensured Sidcot had to work extremely hard for every single run. With some excellent precise bowling resulting in the regular fall of wickets, Sidcot were unable to build up any serious momentum, the last wicket falling in the 14th over.

In response, St Katherine’s got off to an impressive start and began their innings in fine fashion. In the third over Henry Hawkins launched the fightback, bagging himself 2 wickets thanks to 2 outstanding catches from Eddy and Henry Binks. Despite this wobble, St Katherine’s dug deep and the runs kept coming. Even though Storm Biles and Tom Robins both picked up a wicket following excellent catches from Aaron Thomas and Beau Noya, St Katherine’s were able to find the runs to ensure they took the victory.

Congratulations to all those involved on what was a fantastic second game of the season.

Player of the match: Henry Hawkins

Rob Moore
PE Faculty

U14 Rounders v Kings Of Wessex Academy, Thursday 9 June: game abandoned due to injury

The girls started in reasonably determined fashion,  although they struggled to get power off bat to hit the bat out deep due to some fast balls from the King’s bowler. A number of ½ s were scored and a whole from Ana De la Torre, who had kindly stepped into the breach at short notice – from 3rd Form – brilliant and much appreciated! The figure for King’s to chase, however, was not as high as would have been liked.

King’s followed in and immediately showed some good hitting and immediately the pressure was on. After a couple of fast scores, our girls regrouped and played much better, with sharp fielding and some good decision making.
All looked set for a competitive second innings.

This proved not to be, however, a King’s player’s injury put an end to this friendly yet competitive encounter. The news is good – following some medical assistance from our school Health Centre, the issue was dealt with efficiently and emergency services were not required. We wish our injured visitor a speedy recovery.

Rosie Bellinger
Physical Education Faculty

U15 rounders v Kings of Wessex Academy, Thursday 9 June: Sidcot 8 – 12.5 KOWA

After a big defeat on Tuesday and a determined practice session in batting on Wednesday the girls faced this fixture with slight apprehension. They lost the toss so had to bat first.

It became immediately clear that they had a battle on their hands as several people were out quickly at first post when they missed the ball. They then settled and added a few half rounders. Sadly only a few batters were left in near the end of the innings so Hema worked hard to put rounders on the board while batting virtually continuously.
Kings started well scoring a few quick half rounders, but we're not invincible as several were caught out by Sofia in 2nd deep, Lizzie at backstop and Alice at close 3rd. Therefore the half time score was very close with Kings leading by a rounder.

Sidcot faired better in the second innings. They hit the ball with greater force and tried to distribute it about the whole area more. Sofia and Hema scored some great whole rounders while others managed a few more half rounders. 

Kings had a target of 4 rounders to win. They set the scene by claiming a sneaky half rounder off the misfielded first ball. Then slowly they managed to increase their score with alternate half and whole rounders from some great hitting into 2nd deep. Our fielders did well to contain a lot of the shots and keep the match competitive, but could not quite stop them from pulling ahead. 

The girls worked well together as a team with some great cover play from Sofia and Millie while Imogen was a consistent bowler and linked well with Lizzie on 2nd post and Frida at 4th base. 

Player of the match: Hema Shah

Mary Dowds
Physical Education Faculty