Sports Reports week ending 14 October

Sports Reports

Week ending 14 October

Successful Biathlon weekend

Over last weekend a number of pupils participated in two separate local Biathlon competitions.

On Friday Sarah Carr, Maggie Hammond, Adam Lyall and Lily Arnold travelled to Bath to compete at the University. They had a busy morning swimming 100 m in the pool followed by running 1600m on the track. All of them performed well and those that competed there last year all improved their times. Sarah Carr came second in her class achieving a personal best on the track while the others came 5th in their respective classes.

On Sunday, Sarah and Freya King participated at Millfield in the South West Regional Biathlon competition. Sarah had a great day on the track by making a substantial improvement in her run time which enabled her to come a credible 11th overall. As Freya is 14 before Jan she had to compete in the U15 category which is mostly against girls a year older than herself and performed extremely we'll both over the 1600 m run and the 200m in the pool to win the competition, which was a fantastic achievement.

We now hope that in a few weeks’ time when the qualifying lists are published that most of these pupils will have qualified for the National championships which will be held in November.

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

Reservoir Running

This week the girls have been undertaking the annual Axbridge Reservoir run – a two mile jaunt around the lake. The weather has been super and the effort and determination of the girls fantastic.

There have been some fabulous times achieved – but just as importantly tenacity and endeavour from all.

Well done to all runners.

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Girls Fixtures

U12 Netball v Broadoak School, Tuesday 11 October: Sidcot ‘Swallows’ 2 – 8 Broadoak / Sidcot ‘Swifts’ 3 – 10 Broadoak

Once again the enthusiasm and eagerness of the third form girls to be involved with netball enabled Sidcot to field a large squad of players for this, their first home fixture. With the outside courts bathed in glorious Autumn sunshine, the girls were divided into their respective teams and both began their matches in great spirit and with much excitement.

For some this was their first taste of senior inter-school fixtures, but the girls who had previously experienced such competition, certainly led by example to settle the nerves to establish good cohesive team performances from both the aptly named ‘Swallows’ and ‘Swifts.’

Broadoak were certainly determined to take the game to Sidcot, playing fast, accurate and competitive netball. However, Sidcot made them work hard for their victories and were just a little unlucky not to enjoy similar success under the posts, as their opposition. As the games progressed Sidcot began to link their passes better, as well as create good space in which to operate. With improved movement and a few key positional changes, Sidcot enjoyed longer periods of possession, managing to stem the flow of goals in the final two quarters.

Unfortunately the difference in goal tally by this late stage was too much to bridge, but the tenacity and resilience shown by all the girls participating continues to be an encouraging sign for future encounters.

Players of the match: Lily Adam / Elsa Cardale

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U13 Netball v Broadoak Tuesday 11 October: Sidcot 20 – 0 Broadoak

This was the girls’ first home fixture this season and fortunately we were blessed with sunshine.

A squad of seven warmed up and looked determined to play competitively. In the first quarter however a lot of basic mistakes were made particularly with footwork and no rhythm could be maintained. The girls struggled to outwit the taller opponents even though they were less mobile.

In the following quarters however the Sidcot girls worked well as a team and demonstrated some very fast flowing netball. The ball was passed with pace and accuracy from mid court to shooters on a regular basis. Sofia Parker Mills hardly missed a shot and she was ably assisted by Skye Braham and Lottie Gunter. Ana de la Torre, Mia Hann and Erin Crofts rotated through the mid-court positions each being swift and speedy. Lottie and Ruby Owen defended well when necessary ensuring that Broadoak had few shooting opportunities.

It was encouraging to see the girls use quick decisive movements to obtain possession.

Opposition's Player of the match: Sofia Parker Mills

Coach's Player of the match: Erin Crofts

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U15 Hockey v Broadoak School. Tuesday 11 October: Sidcot 0 – 0 Broadoak

This was the squads most assured performance to date. They are really beginning to gel – and to work hard for each other both in attack and defence.

Sidcot certainly started strongly, attacking via the midfield and distributing the ball both wide and high. There was a constant barrage of attack for the majority of the first half, but stalwart defending and some super saves by the Broadoak ‘keeper, kept them in the game and precluded a Sidcot goal.

The second half saw Broadoak move up a gear and they began, on occasion, to trouble our defence. Some improved marking and strong tackling prevented them from scoring and Sidcot once again gained the upper hand.

Several short corners were won – but none converted, again mainly due to some fabulous goalkeeping. Despite further opportunities in open play, a goal was not forthcoming and despite dominating the game the score remained 0 – 0.

The girls should, however, be very pleased with this performance. It was a fabulous team effort and all played their part.

I very much look forward to their next game – Backwell at home on 3 November.

Player of the match: Indeigh Winterson

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Weston & District Netball v Royals Ignited, Wednesday 12 October: Sidcot 30 – 27 Royals

This was most definitely Sidcot’s best and most impressive performance so far this season, against a team who always provide strong and determined opposition. After two recent defeats, where unforced errors and a lack of confidence under the posts blighted their ability to play free flowing netball, the Sidcot girls showed great resilience to bounce back. They not only took the game to Royals, but they played with an air of calm assurance and great precision to totally dominate major phases of the match.

The movement of Mati Grove, Sydney Drury, Frida Cardale and Fatou Tounkara within the mid court was especially dynamic and decisive, which enabled consistent and accurate feeding into the Sidcot attacking circle. Here, despite the very close attention and physical presence of the lofty Royals GK, Millie Ashdown, Anouska Long and Charlotte Dolman coped very well to work their space and convert calmly under pressure, something which was certainly lacking in previous games.

The partnership defence of Zoe Mercer and Vivian Chan continues to gel and improve with every game. Their combination of height and agility within the defending circle is proving to be very effective, as is their ability to track the flight of the ball, unsettling the normally composed Royals shooters. Every quarter was played at great intensity, with never more than three goals difference between the scores, but to their credit the Sidcot girls maintained their form and consistency throughout the whole game, which proved very instrumental and was certainly key to their success. A great win, well done girls.

Player of the match: Charlotte Dolman

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U14 Netball v Broadoak School, Thursday 13 October: Sidcot ‘Swifts’ 6 – 11 Broadoak

The squad of girls who played in the Swifts team on Thursday evening showed determination and commitment. They worked hard to move the ball quickly and efficiently to maintain possession, against taller opposition. In the first half of the match the sides were fairly even. Sidcot often gained possession from good interceptions but struggled to keep a good rhythm in their play to create many scoring opportunities.

In the third quarter BroadOak had a good run of play and their extremely tall shooter was very successful, so Sidcot dropped behind a little. In the last quarter the girls showed great resilience and battled hard to gain possession. They linked together well and increased the pace of the passing allowing more scoring opportunities which were successful. They nearly caught up on the deficit in goals but sadly ran out of time. Final score was 6 - 11 to Broadoak.

Player of the match: Sarah Carr

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U14 Netball v Broadoak School, Thursday 13 October: Sidcot ‘Swallows’ 8 – 3 Broadoak

Sidcot enjoyed a very successful, but hard fought victory over strong opposition in Broadoak. Both teams played with great intensity and speed throughout, with Broadaok perhaps showing the better consistency in their handling of the ball. From the first whistle it was evident that it was going to be a highly contested game and in the early stages, Broadoak maintained quality possession, forcing Sidcot to work hard to keep up with the pace. 

Eventually both teams settled into their rhythm, displaying some good skills and movement in their play. However, despite frequent good passages of play, Broadoak were unable to convert their possession into goals, whereas Sidcot showed much better composure to score freely off the hands of Ella Kippax and Frankie Harrill.

Jasmine Bell displayed great resilience against a very tenacious and agile opponent, whilst Freya King, Maisie Hann and Meg Vivian all contributed well to help move the ball swiftly through the mid court. Ciara Hennecke also played a very important role as GK, using her natural height to intercept many of the balls being fed into the attacking circle.

This was not perhaps the tidiest of netball matches to watch, but great credit must go to the girls for showing terrific energy and determination to produce a positive result.   

Player of the match: Freya King

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U16 Hockey v Broadoak School, Thursday 13 October: Sidcot 0 – 0 Broadoak

Another exciting, end to end game with much determination and spirit on show – despite there being no goals scored!

The first half saw Broadoak quickly take the upper hand and really put our defence under intense pressure. The girls fought their way back into the game by process of robust tackling and better ball distribution down the flanks. Broadoak, perhaps, had the better of the first half chances – Alice Joyner saved on the line to prevent the team going a goal down.

The second half continued to see good attack from both teams but stout defending precluded any goals.

Enjoyable to both watch and umpire, the girls should feel well satisfied with this good team performance.

Well done to all.

Our fixture commitments continue after half term – there is a tournament and some Saturday matches and I urge all to check their fixture cards carefully and keep the dates in their diaries free.

Player of the match: Sofia Peon               

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Boys Fixtures

U12 Rugby v Wells Cathedral School, Saturday 8 October: Wells Cathedral School 15 – 0 Sidcot

On a perfect day for rugby Sidcot’s Under 12s took on an experienced Wells Cathedral School side. Despite Sidcot performing well in their previous games, it was Wells who got off to a strong start in what proved to be an evenly balanced encounter. Their early pressure soon told with their first try of the day going to Wells. Wells’ positive start continued and it was only some outstanding defensive work from Sidcot that prevented Wells from adding to their early try.  

As the half progressed however Sidcot managed to pull themselves back into the game and build some pressure of their own. An excellent break from the ever willing Guy Owen almost resulted in Sidcot pulling the scores level, however, a last ditched tackle stopped him just short of the line. Despite spending the remainder of the half deep in Wells territory, Sidcot were unable to get the score their play deserved.

In the second half the match continued in much the same fashion as the first, with both teams having periods of dominance. With defences on top, the game entered the last quarter with just the one try in it. Despite Sidcot battling hard to pull the game level, it was Wells who ended the match in the ascendancy. With the effort of the Sidcot boys starting to take its toll and the advantage of fresh legs from the bench, Wells were able to exploit the gaps in the Sidcot defence running in 2 late tries.

Although the result left the Sidcot boys disappointed, there were still a lot of positives to take from another hard fought match. For such a young team the teamwork in defence is excellent. Man-of-the-Match James Wroath is also proving what an influential player he can be in both attack and defence. Whilst the result was not what they wanted, the boys should be pleased with the progress they are making.  

As always, congratulations to all those involved on yet another fantastic game of rugby.

Man of the Match: James Wroath

Rob Moore
PE Faculty

U14 Rugby v Wells Cathedral School, Saturday 8 October: WCS 9 – 7 Sidcot

Sidcot took a large Under 14 sqaud to play Wells and had a nip-and-tuck game. Sidcot played the better of the rugby and were the undeserved runners up, going down by two points.

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

U15 Rugby v Wells Cathedral School, Saturday 8 October: WCS 56 – 12 Sidcot

Missing some key players, Sidcot faced the prospect of a very strong Wells side, including two Bath Acadmy centres, who in the first half proved far too much for Sidcot. However, after a strong team talk at half time, a rejuvenated Sidcot took to the field to win the second half two tries to one. An outstanding transofrmation and a great credit to the boys' characters.

Player of the match: Billy Lindsay

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

U12 Rugby v Mark College, Tuesday 11 October: Mark 15 – 15 Sidcot

Sidcot face a gigantic Mark College team who took the lead through their direct style of play. Sidcot then started to use a faster, more agile style of play to force themselves back in the game, with the scores being ten-all at time. In a really physical second half, Mark College took the lead again, but Johnny Coombes with a fantastic break levelled the scores for a well-deserved draw.

Player of the match: James Wroath

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

U15 Rugby v Mark College, Tuesday 13 October: Mark 25 – 35 Sidcot

Facing the customary huge Mark College side, Sidcot found themselves ten-nil down early in the game. However, when they moved the ball out wide to the outstanding Matt Fisher, Mark College had no answer. All the lads the tackled really well when Mark were in possession, and then played lovely expansive rugby with their own ball. A great performance, well done lads.

Player of the match: Matt Fisher

Alex Smith
PE Faculty

U17 Rugby v Clifton High School, Tuesday 13 October: CHC 37 – 53 Sidcot

Sidcot defended a full-strength Under 17 side that consisted of a devestaing back line. The standard of attacking rugby was a delight to watch with the speed of Alex Crofts scoring four tries and a powerful Oscar Browne scoring four.

Player of the match: Oscar Browne

Alex Smith
PE Faculty