Sports Reports week ending 20 May

Sports Reports week ending 20 May

British Triathlon Championships 2016

Last weekend saw the 2nd round of the 2016 British Triathlon Championships which were held at Llanelli, South Wales and our very own Immy Moroney was one of the 25 Elite Youth athletes from across the UK who were invited to compete.

After a disastrous first round for Immy at Windsor 6 weeks ago (she was injured at the start and ended the day on crutches) she was very keen to do well.

A strong swim meant that she was first out of the water and onto the bike but she was soon joined by the 3 girls in the chasing front pack. There was nothing between them going into the run and Immy knew she would have her work cut out having done virtually no run training for the past 6 weeks. She did really well to finish overall 2nd behind the 100% fit Welsh champion who was competing on home soil.

And so onto round 3, which is in Leeds on the 11th and 12th June, where the GB Youths will be joined by the worlds pro’s for the UK round of the World Championships. 
Good luck Immy.

Rosie Bellinger    
Head of PE Faculty

ESAA Track and Field Cup 2016, Yate Athletics Stadium 

Now a regular attendee at this prestigious event, Sidcot travelled to Yate with a full complement of enthusiastic athletes, eager to pitch their skills against fellow competitors from a variety of independent and state schools. Blessed with beautiful weather conditions Sidcot certainly raised their performance to match the quality of the Yate arena.

The morning session began with the girls taking to the track, whilst the boys made their way to participate in their field events. Almost immediately Sidcot were showing their great depth of strength in the 1500m with Freya King leaving the opposition in her wake in the Junior girls race and Immy Moroney mirroring her exactly in the Intermediate girls race. Both girls dominated from start to finish and got Sidcot off to flying start. Other notable performances on the track were Ellie Aizlewood and Maddy Northcott (300M), Indeigh Winterson and Amber Spillane (1500m),  Alba Marie Lopez Nicholas and Sarah Carr (200m), Ciara Hennecke and Maeve O’Neill (100m) and Lottie Gunter and Annabel Wroath (800m).

Not to be out done, the boys were also enjoying success in their respective events, especially Oscar Browne and Dan Corbett in the Inter boys shot putt, Toby Pratt and Will Lloyd (Junior boys shot put), Adam Garner Greene (Javelin) and Matt Fisher and Tulsi Winterson (High Jump)

After a short, but well-earned rest the roles were reversed and again Sidcot’s strength over the longer distances was soon evident with Matt Fisher and Luke Garner Greene recording excellent points in their 800m runs. Tulsi Winterson and Adam Garner Greene also proved too strong for the opposition over the shorter, but equally demanding 300m, as was Toby Pratt (200m) and Jago Biles (100m).

Despite having little or no opportunity to practice, the long jumpers performed above expectation with Freya King and Ellie Aizlewood scoring valuable points, as did Lottie Gunter, Annabel Wroath, Lucy Slingsby and Indeigh Winterson in their respective high jump competition.

Just before the conclusion of the event all four Sidcot relay teams took to the track in their respective age groups, where they all showed great teamwork and determination to bring the baton home safely.      

However, despite these terrific individual performances a special mention must also go to all the other Sidcot athletes who performed magnificently on the day. Hopefully the experience gained will spur them on to even greater performances in future local competitions and in our own Sports Day on Wednesday 22nd June. Well done everyone! 
A full set of results, including team positions and individual performances is displayed in the Sports Hall foyer for your perusal. They are also available online.

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

European Triathle

Amber Spillane and Sarah Carr have been selected to represent Great Britain in the Youth category at the European Triathle Championships, which will take place in Setubal, Portugal on 15 July. The competition takes the form of a continuous shoot, open water swim and run – so will be quite a challenge in the summer heat. We wish both girls the best of luck and look forward to hearing how they get on.

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U12 Rounders v Broadoak School, Tuesday 17 May: Sidcot 14 – 11.5 Broadoak

This was a sharp and assured performance from these girls. There were bags of enthusiasm and ‘grit’ and all were keen to do well.

Broadoak were put into bat first and although a number of rounders were scored, Sidcot’s fielding from backstop Sofia Parker-Mills to the various posts as required prevented many more. Solid catching and quick stumping saw many Broadoak players out.

Sidcot batted robustly and both half and whole-rounders were readily scored, with good competitive running between posts and sensible decision making.

The second innings saw more of the same, if anything Sidcot were sharper and stronger following some tactical position changes.

A good result indeed. Further improvements can certainly be made, but the girls should be well pleased with their performance.

Well done to all.

Player of them atch: Ana de la Torre

Rosie Bellinger
Head of PE Faculty

U13 Rounders v Broadoak School, Tuesday 17 May: Sidcot 6.5 – 9.5 Broadoak

A close and hard fought match was played against Broadoak on Tuesday evening. Sidcot lost the toss so had to bat first. They immediately discovered it was going to be a tough challenge as Broadoak bowling was difficult to hit and the backstop first base combination were lethal. Sidcot therefore struggled to put many rounders on the scoreboard. The team did not manage to stay in long enough to receive all 27 balls. They were not disheartened though and stayed calm when fielding. Olivia stepped in well as bowler and Ella was consistently solid in the third base are to keep their score low. A few errors meant Broadoak had a lead of 2.5 rounders at half time.

In the second half Sidcot stayed in longer and both Frankie and Ciara managed to score whole rounders while other halves were scored as well. Sadly they could not quite catch up the difference so Broadoak remained ahead. The team showed good resilience when under pressure and supported each other well when fielding.

Player of the match: Frankie Harrill


Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U14 Rounders v Broadoak School, Tuesday 17 May: Sidcot 12 – 9.5 Broadoak

A competitive game was played against Broadoak on Tuesday evening. Sidcot lost the toss so had to bat first. They managed to make some headway on the scoreboard with a few half rounders. They then rose to the challenge to try and keep Broadoak’s score as low as possible. Gracie kept the pressure on their hitting by bowling fast and low. Sidcot were successful as the score at half time was only half a rounder difference between the two sides.

In the second half Ellie Kendall and Indeigh Winterson managed to score a few whole rounders, although the team did struggle a little with the first base backstop combination. When fielding they worked together well communicating and making few errors. Albe was sharp as second deep and Indeigh had two catches behind. The girl’s final total was deservedly in their favour.

Player of the match: Indeigh Winterson

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty


Girls’ U15 Rounders v Broadoak School, Tuesday 17 May: Sidcot 11.5 – 19 Broadoak 

This was an improved performance on their last fixture, competing well against a quality opposition. Having won the toss and put Broadoak into bat, Hema Shah demonstrated great consistency and accuracy in her bowling to restrict the Braodaok batsmen in making good contact with the bat. However, those that did, were able to find large gaps in the Sidcot field and together with some disappointing, loose fielding, enabled the opposition to score many half and full rounders.

At the change of innings Sidcot faced a bowler who used all her County cricketing experience with some incredibly fast bowling, which Sidcot struggled to even see or cope with. Eventually the Sidcot batsmen began to adjust to the speed of her delivery and with some of the girls able to place the ball out beyond first post, many started to achieve success with the bat. Gradually they gained in confidence and began to chase down the Broadoak score, but they were always going to find it tough to overtake the Braodoak final total of 19 rounders.

Unfortunately our player of the match, Savina had to be helped from the field after again sustaining another knee injury. The team wish her a speedy recovery.         

Player of the match: Savina Mu  


Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

North Somerset Athletic Championships at Backwell School, Tuesday 10 May

Sadly these championships, originally organised for Tuesday 10 May and then rescheduled to Wednesday 18 May, were cancelled due to the further inclement weather this week.

We will now be submitting times and distances for our best athletes for consideration for selection for the District team that will compete at the Avon Athletic championships on Saturday 11 June.

We are hopeful that we will have some successes.

Rosie Bellinger
Head of PE Faculty