Sports Reports week ending 8 July

Sports Reports week ending 8 July

North Somerset U12 Rounders Tournament at Backwell School, Tuesday 5 July

Round robin matches:

Backwell ‘A’ – won 8.5 - 6.5
Player of the match: Sofia Parker Mills

Clevedon – lost 6 - 8.5
Player of the match: Lily Arnold

Churchill ‘A’ – won 6 - 4
Player of the match: Sofia Parker Mills

Backwell ‘B’ – won 3.5 - 1
Player of the match: Ana de la Torre

Churchill ‘B’ – won 5 - 3
Player of the match: Ana de la Torre

With the end of term looming and an NUT strike reducing the number of school entries, Sidcot were very relieved that this tournament went ahead enabling the Third form to bring to a close a most successful rounders season.

The pitches at Backwell looked splendid in the brilliant afternoon summer sunshine and this resulted in some high quality rounders being played from all the teams participating.

Sidcot fielded a strong squad of regular players, all of whom took to their normal positions out in the field showing terrific confidence and ability in their play. Lily Arnold bowled consistently well and was ably assisted by Sofia Parker Mills at Backstop, whose quick, strong, accurate throwing was the demise of many opponent hoping to score a half rounder at 2nd post.

Mia Hann throughout all the games took great total command of 2nd post with a safe pair of hands and quick reactions, especially when under pressure from opponents running at speed from first post. She was helped enormously by Erin Crofts, out at 2nd post, by backing up and stopping any loose ball from progressing further.

Lottie Gunter, Camille Sherrill and Issie Fawcett also had a great day in the field, looking sharp, moving swiftly onto any loose ball and making good decisions when needed.  

Ana De La Torre and Skye Braham were key post players at fourth and third respectively and with good hands they both managed to stump out many opportunist runners.

When put into bat, the girls certainly have benefitted from recent practices focusing on technique and all made good contact to force the opposition field to work tirelessly to keep any scoring opportunities to a minimum. 

However, despite most games being quite tight, Sidcot showed their overall dominance to win all but one of their games, during a very hot, but extremely enjoyable afternoon of play.      

This was a tremendous achievement and one in which all the girls should feel justifiably proud of.           

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

Boys’ U13 Cricket v Hans Price Academy, Wednesday 6th July: HPA 48 for 4 / Sidcot 49 for 4

Having had such a superb season Sidcot were determined to finish the year on a high. After winning the toss, Sidcot put the visitors into bat and soon struck the first blow; Beau Noya taking an outstanding running catch off of the bowling of Eddie Binks for the opening wicket.

With the scoreboard slowly ticking over, Sidcot were further rewarded for their superb work in the field, with Joe Hart deservedly getting his first wicket of the season. Despite their accurate bowling however, Sidcot were unable to find a breakthrough until late on with the Hans Price batters proving to be exceptionally stubborn in defence. Sidcot's efforts were eventually rewarded however with Rufus Long claiming 2 late wickets.

With Hans Price finishing on 48 for 4 from their 10 overs, Sidcot were keen to get off to a good start. The Hans Price bowlers had other ideas however. With bowling that would have made Jimmy Anderson proud, Sidcot soon found themselves behind in their run chase. As has been proven many times this season however, Sidcot weren’t about to give up. With the outstanding Beau Noya and Jonny Coombes leading the fight back and following further support from Henry Hawkins, Rufus Long and the excellent Harvey Dew, Sidcot pulled themselves back into the game and began the last over needing 8 runs to win.

Thanks to some outstanding bowling and excellent fielding, Sidcot found themselves needing 4 from the last ball for the win. With pressure mounting and the fielders all pushed back, Storm Biles managed to find the runs needed, hitting a superb pull shot over square leg ensuring a well-deserved victory for Sidcot.

Huge congratulations to everyone who has represented the school this year.  It has been a huge pleasure to work such an enthusiastic group. Well done.

Player of the match: Beau Noya

Rob Moore
PE Faculty

Battle Biathlon at Bath University, Wednesday 6 July


This was a very big day out for sport at Bath University organised by Wesport, involving 500 plus junior and secondary pupils.


The day started with registration followed by an opening ceremony by an Olympian for London 2012, and the Oath of Fair Play and Respect for all Athletes and Officials.


Sidcot were competing against five other schools from Bristol in the Battle Biathlon.


Each school was split into three 'clans' to compete in a 'round robin' event, each round lasted 1 hr 15 mins and was full-on. It required good focus and concentration as they only had one chance.


Sidcot's Team 'SAUSAGES won gold

Sarah Carr
Oscar Byles
Izzy Fawcett
Theo Pundsack

Sidcot's Team 'SWIFTS' won bronze


Lily Barker-Whyatt
Jamie Wright
Erin Crofts
Aaron Thomas


Sidcot's Team 'SHARPSHOOTERS' won gold

Freda Davies-Gallagher
Will Lloyd
Lottie Gunter
Owen Wright


This was a lovely day out and all Sidcot students showed great resolve and determination throughout, and Team Sidcot were rewarded with the overall gold medal.


Congratulations to all competitors and many thanks to the travelling parents for their help and support.



Nigel Taylor and Rosanna Dawes
Sidcot Sport