Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 17 March

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 17 March

Weston & District Netball v Buccaneers, Wednesday 15 March: Sidcot 25-36 Buccaneers

What a game to finish the season on – playing unbeaten top of league and with all thirteen squad members available for selection. Fuelled with much emotion, being the final time that many of the girls would be representing Sidcot School, the match was played at great pace, intensity and energy. 

Encouraged on by a large partisan crowd from the balcony, the girls put on a fine display of fast, attacking netball. Chasing every ball and passing at speed meant the game had its fair share of unforced errors from both teams, but it was Buccaneers who remained the calmest under pressure to establish an early eight goal lead at the first quarter.

Rotation of players enabled fresh legs to maintain the intensity in their play and soon Sidcot were becoming a dominant force, eating into the Buccaneers lead with some sublime shooting from the hands of all four Sidcot shooters. Unfortunately the early Buccaneers lead cost Sidcot dear, as they actually drew the third quarter and won the last by four goals.

At the final whistle exhausted players littered the court, elated yet tinged with mixed emotions from the experience of the game and the end of another season.

The girls who have been involved with the squad this year have shown terrific commitment, energy and dedication in both practice and games played and sad as it may be that some are moving on, the backbone of the team remains strong and promises much for the future. It has been a real privilege to have coached, steered and been a part of their development, something I shall value for many years to come as I hang up my netball boots. Good luck for the future girls.

Player of the match: Vivian Chan

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U16 Netball v St. Katherine’s School, Tuesday 14 March: Sidcot 4-7 St. K

The first quarter provided an evenly matched contest between the two schools, with St Katherines only just edging into the lead with three goals to Sidcot’s two.

During the second and third quarters Kitty Leung and Jasmine and Immy Maroney battled hard in the centre court, working the ball well. Unfortunately this wasn’t a day for goals to be scored and the effort could not be converted. Combined with some consistent rebounding and dominant defence positioning by St Katherine’s circle pair Sidcot had to be content with their two goals.

The final quarter saw Vivian Chan display some athletic interceptions combined with some valuable tips and deflections by Frida Cardale. These turn overs lead to Sidcot winning the final quarter by two goals to none. Unfortunately this surge of positive form was too late for this match but will hopefully be taken forward into the next fixture.

Player of the match: Vivian Chan

Liz Hawkins
PE Department

U15 Netball v St. Katherine’s School, Tuesday 14 March: Sidcot 8-13 St. K's

This game turned out to be a very evenly balanced contest, with the Sidcot lower 5th team showing great resilience to come back from their heavy defeat of last week. Again a large squad of girls made themselves available making team selection an easy and yet tricky affair to get the right balance of players on court at the right time. The girls did not disappoint with their efforts to compete with St. Katherine’s speed and agility and more than matched them in terms of possession for long periods of the game.

After the first two quarters, the scores were level at four goals apiece and Sidcot looked very much in the game. Unfortunately, St, Katherine’s moved their centre court players around resulting in their new GA utilising her superior strength to gain good position near to the post, where she rarely missed a shot on goal. Indeigh Winterson showed great tenacity to contain her new opponent, making some very important interceptions in and around the attacking circle. This made her St. Katherine’s opponent work extremely hard for every goal scored and proved an interesting contest to umpire.

With St. Katherine’s slowly beginning to pull away, Sidcot increased their intensity and quality of passing, which kept them in touch right up to the final whistle. With so many girls all contributing valuably to this result, it is difficult to single out anyone, but special mention must go to Gretal Havercroft for all her efforts in organising and captaining this team throughout the season and Mia Kelly for stepping in as GK at the very last minute. Thank you girls.

Player of the match: Yasmine Sluijmers

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U14 Red VII Hockey v St. Katherine's, Tuesday 14 March: Sidcot 3-0 St. K's

A mixed squad of Upper Fourth and some Lower Fourth played on Wednesday against St. Katherine's. It was a great opportunity for some Upper Fourth who have not played often to have a chance of a game. Sidcot were generally stronger in the first half and managed to dominate the play. As the girls settled in positions the play became  more fluent and accurate. A sequences of passes from the right culminated in a great cross from Maisy Hann which was collected by Sophie Bracie in front of the goalie. Fortunately she moved it away from the direct line of the goalie and slotted it in at the side. A few minutes later Sophie had scored again from some constructive play on the left with both Maggie Hammond and Annabel Wroath contributing towards the goal.

At the start of the second half St. Katherine's played better, with greater pace on the ball and wider passes which at times outwitted the Sidcot defence. Sara Peel made some great tackles and began to pass the ball wide from the hit out position. On the opposite side Holly Gill remained calm in defence and made some excellent passes keeping the ball well clear of St. Katherine's attack.She was ably supported by Jasmine Bell in the middle defensive position who beavered away intercepting many of the attackers passes. Isabelle Fawcett made several good saves demonstrating both calmness and confidence in goal.Isabelle Gould made some fast runs at the front and only just missed out on scoring. It was Maisy Hann who just pushed one past the goalie in the dying minutes of the game. It was nice to see a mixed age group team work amicably and collaboratively together.

Player of the match: Maggie Hammond

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

U14 Blue VII Hockey v St. Katherine's Tuesday 14 March: Sidcot 3-0 St. K's

A game played in good spirit – our girls proved a strong match for the St. Katherine girls. The team played with good width and created space down the flanks which allowed them to come round behind the St. Katherine's defence. Many chances were created, but also many were repelled by the strong ‘keeper of St. Kath's.

The Sidcot defence were not overly troubled and Miriam Peel in the Sidcot goal was not called to action!

Goals were scored by Katie Price and Annabelle Davis and this was a well deserved win for our girls.

Player of the match: Annabelle Davis.

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty