Sports Reports – week ending Friday 18 November

U15 Girls' North Somerset Hockey Tournament at Priory School, Tuesday 15 November

  1. v Gordano – lost 5 – 0
  2. v Priory – lost 1 – 0
  3. v Backwell – Lost 1 – 0

The squad played well is quite difficult conditions. There was real tenacity and resilience in games where the opposition proved very strong.

In their first game against Gordano, play was dominated by three key Gordano players and our girls, though, working very hard, were unable to close them down and stop them from having free range in front in front of the goal, leaving Maddy Northcott very exposed.

The positive was that the team were not overly discouraged and were eager to do better in their second match.

This they certainly did! There was a fine performance and Priory were subdued for most of the game and play was very even – both teams had good chances. It was Priory who scored near the death of the game. This certainly counts as a good result – Priory went on to win the tournament.

The third game against Backwell was another closely fought affair with the play swinging from end to end. Maddy Northcott again made some super saves but a shot to the corner could not be reached.

A good afternoon of hockey – all played in good, sporting, competitive spirit.

I have been really pleased with the girl’s approach throughout the season and their positive and cheerful endeavour has ensured that they are a pleasure to coach and umpire.

Players of the matches: Gracie Fletcher, Maddy Northcott

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty