Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 19th May

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 19th May


Cricket at Sidcot

There have been some exciting developments with cricket at Sidcot this term. Alongside a healthy number of players and attending matches and practice, we have invested in some new and exciting equipment to support cricket in PE and the development of our players.

Most exciting of which is the new bowling machine which is already enabling quality practice that is fun and challenging. Alongside, we are also using the new 'Coach's Eye' app to analyse performance providing quality feedback to players. Next half term we have coaching with Winscombe Cricket Club Professional and a further chance to develop cricket further.

Practice: Thursdays 4pm to 5.30pm

Matt Lloyd
PE Faculty

ESAA Track and Field Cup 2017, Yate Athletics Stadium

As a regular attendee at this prestigious event, Sidcot travelled to Yate with a full complement of enthusiastic athletes, eager to pitch their skills against fellow competitors from a variety of independent and state schools. Blessed with beautiful weather conditions Sidcot certainly raised their performance to match the quality of the Yate arena.

The morning session began with the girls taking to the track, whilst the boys made their way to participate in their field events. Junior Sidcot competitors, Lillie Hudson and Elsa Cardale were totally unphased in their inaugural hurdles events with both girls gaining early valuable points from their strong running over 75 metres. Maddie Nethercott built upon their scores with a very impressive 15.5sec run in the intermediate girls’ hurdles to gain an impressive 13 points for the team. Following onto the track were the arduous and challenging 1500 metres events, where again Sidcot looked strong with terrific runs from Ruby Owen, Isobella Hoddell, Freya King and Indeigh Winterson. Other notable performances on the track were Lily Arnold and Sarah Carr (JG and IG 800M), Erin Crofts (JG 200m) and Yasmin Slujimers (IG 100m).

Not to be out done, the boys were also enjoying success in their respective events, especially with Charlie Derham and Toby Pratt in the Inter boys shot putt, William Lewin and Jim Mitchell (IB Long jump), Matt Boddy ( IB Javelin), Lawrence Badman and Billy Lindsay (IB Discus) and Zac Townsend and Matt Fisher (JB and IB High Jump).

After a short, but well-earned rest the roles were reversed and again Sidcot’s strength over the longer distances was soon evident with Miles Kilpatrick and Billy Lindsay recording excellent points in their IB 800m runs and Jim Mitchell securing 14pts in the IB 1500m. Matthew Fisher also proved too strong for many of the opposition over the shorter, but equally demanding IB 300m, as was Toby Pratt (IB 200m) and Jamie Miles (IB 100m).

Despite being early on in the season, several Sidcot competitors drew on all their experience to execute some excellent jumps in their respective competitions with Freya King (IG Long Jump 4.15m) and Lottie Gunter (JG High Jump 1.30m), both winning their age group events. Indeigh Winterson also produced a superb 1.40m in the IG High Jump, as did Ruby Owen in the JG High Jump with a clearance of 1.25m.   Competing for the first time, Izabelle Lee and Anna Sties produced fine putts in the JG and IG shot, as did Sophie Lee and Ella Hicks-Hurley (JG Javelin).

Just before the conclusion of the event all four Sidcot relay teams took to the track in their respective age groups, where they all showed great teamwork and determination to bring the baton home swiftly and safely.

However, as well as these terrific individual performances, a special mention must also go to all the other Sidcot athletes who performed magnificently on the day. Hopefully the experience gained will spur them on to even greater performances in future local competitions and in our own Sports Day on Wednesday 21st June. Well done everyone!
A full set of results, including team positions and individual performances are displayed in the Sports Hall foyer for your perusal. They are also available on line by visiting the ESAA website (open the Hyperlink and search for Avon 11/05/2017 amongst First Round County Competitions).

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U13 Rounders v Churchill Academy, Thursday 18th May: Sidcot 12½ - 11 Churchill

This was a super game, played in really friendly good spirit.

Sidcot won the toss and chose to field first – and although their fielding was a little ‘looser’ than we have come to expect, they kept the Churchill score to a very obtainable 4 at the changeover.

Sidcot batted well. There was some great hitting and immediately both halves and whole rounders were scored. The girls quickly surpassed the Churchill score and went on to achieve 7 rounders by the end of the first innings.
Score at the midway point: Sidcot 8 - 3½ Broadoak!

The second innings saw Churchill come out far more determinedly and they began to gain much better distance with the bat to create a far more challenging score for Sidcot to chase. Our girls responded well and in what proved to be a very closely fought game came out just on top at the end of the afternoon.

This was another good performance – but one which can be improved upon with greater focus and concentration. This will be required in next week’s tough game against Priory School.

Player of the match: Mia Hann

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Girls' U14 Rounders v Churchill Academy, Thursday 18th May: Sidcot 6 - 15½ Churchill

Churchill lost the toss so they batted first. They had a very strong first innings scoring at least a half rounder and the occasional full rounder from each delivered ball. Sidcot fielded accurately but not quickly enough to avoid Churchill scoring at the second base on numerous occasions.

Sidcot looked determined and connected with most of the delivered balls but were outwitted by some very fast and accurate fielding by Churchill. The girls could not get to second base to score, as Churchill invariably had the ball there very quickly even when it had been struck hard into deep field. A lot of the score which Sidcot gained in the first innings was from poor bowling. Maisy did manage to sneak in a whole rounder  from tenacious running when Churchill had an uncharacteristic moment of poor fielding.

Sidcot were not disheartened, and they began the second innings of fielding very positively. There were one of two excellent catches around the diamond and many backward hits which were fielded sensibly reducing Churchill's opportunities to score.

Sadly although Sidcot tried a few different areas to place the ball they just could not beat the speed of the Churchill fielders again in the second innings. Ruby managed to sneak a ball to the left just over the batting line and was able to score a whole rounder.

Final score was 15½ to Churchill and 6 to Sidcot.

The girls have realised that they need to work on their throwing technique to be as fast and accurate as the Churchill girls were today.

Player of the match: Maisy Hannn

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

Girls’ U15 Rounders v Churchill Academy, Thursday 18th May: Sidcot 3½ - 11½ Churchill

After days of rain resulting in postponement of several fixtures, it was with relief that the sun shone and the warmer weather enabled Sidcot to host local opposition Churchill in this annual rounders fixture.

Taking to the field, Sidcot worked well to deny Churchill early runs, but as the innings progressed, Churchill began to make better contact with the bat, which put greater pressure on the Sidcot fielders to respond effectively. Some poor decision making and a lack of concentration gave the opposition easy opportunities to score meaning that Sidcot were facing a deficit of seven rounders at the changeover.

With the Churchill bowler struggling for consistency, Sidcot began to eat into the Churchill total, but it was the Churchill backstop who really stole the show. Her terrific pace and accurate throwing to first and second post was the downfall of many Sidcot batsmen, resulting in only three and half rounders being scored.

Sidcot raised their game in the second innings with a tactical change out in the field, where Harvey Panay’s movement and high speed of throwing, halted Churchill’s ability to score full rounders. Indeigh Winterson also demonstrated great hands to take some good catches at fourth post. Molly Carter linked well with Gracie Fletcher and Gretel Havercroft to continue the improvement in Sidcot’s fielding performance, but unfortunately Churchill’s superior handling of the ball and first innings total, meant that Sidcot were always struggling to get on equal terms in this good-natured match.    

Player of the match: Harvey Panay 

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty