Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 23rd March

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 23rd March

National Schools Cross Country Finals, Saturday 17th March

I know you have been waiting for news of our two National Level Cross Country Runners... well, here it is!

Immy Moroney and Sarah Carr travelled all the way to Leeds on Saturday in freezing, snowy and very challenging conditions to compete in the National Schools Cross Country Finals. The National Finals is a huge event with 50 counties all fielding teams of eight athletes, so there was between 350 and 400 runners in each race.

Our Reporter in the field, Giles Moroney, said: "The Beast From The East struck with snow blowing around the course and a temperature of minus seven wind-chill factor made it a pretty tough event (it probably should have been cancelled due to the weather)!"

However, despite the conditions, Immy came in 50th and 2nd in the Avon Team in the Senior Girls race and Sarah came in 331st and 7th in the Avon Inter Girls race.

We can all agree that this is a stunning achievement and we are all very proud of you.

Matt Lloyd
Director of Sport

National School Rugby 7s Tournament at Rosslyn Park, Monday 19th March

The 7 and 8 team travelled to Rosslyn Park on a Snowy Monday morning to experience the spectacle of the National 7s Tournaments. 166 teams took part from around the world and Sidcot were there too.

The first two games was always going to be tough. Snow covered pitches and the feeling of nerves troubled the boys but they all stepped up to the challenge. In freezing conditions they all did their jobs and the intensive training began to pay off. Snow clearing by game 3 and our confidence in a better place we began to show the skills we knew we had, however, the opposition continued to surprise us with their size and organisasion. Game 4 against Waterloo Schools was a treat. We were playing on pitch Number 1 – the show pitch – with a live TV feed. Teachers back at school tuned in to see a first half performance that we were all really proud of. A highlight of the day.

To see our game go to: 

Click on Day 1 and forward to 4 hours 27 minutes into the video to see the game.

Overall, a real learning experience in very tough conditions with boys showing great heart and teammanship.

Well done lads!

Thursday 22nd March – U14 Tournament

The second team to make the long trip to Rosslyn Park on Thursday was the Upper Fourth group that travelled with a bare 7 but with plenty of enthusiasm and skills to make an impact.

The First game vs Oakham School was a very tough one and a good game to get out of the way early. As the tournament progressed the lads got better and better with narrow losses until our final game.

At 4.00pm we played Pangbourne College, a tough competitor and through a combination of development, confidence and sheer brute force Sidcot Came away with a win. A nail biting 25-24 with Henry Hawkins slotting the conversion in the last second of the game from the 5m line! Mr Smith had said that we would wear a very silly hat if they won a game and we have photo evidence that he followed through with his challenge!

To top it off, the team impressed the organisers so much that we won the SKRUM sponsored 'Fair Play Award' for the U14 tournament. A Real Achievement for the lads and the School.

Bring on Next Year!

Matt Lloyd
Director of sport

Senior Swimming Gala, Wednesday 21st March

Over 75 swimmers, keen to represent their house and break records, turned up at the Senior School Swimming Gala this Wednesday.

A real mixture of fun challenges and serious competition were experienced by all in a friendly and well organised event. The best swimmers shone and the gala was a real showcase event to illustrate the dedication to training and self improvement our squad swimmers have. But also it was a chance for others to step up and represent their house. On many occasions throughout the afternoon, swimmers stepped up to fill in for those unwell or absent in disciplines that challenged them. They competed and scored points for their house but won the admiration of the staff and their team mates.

There were also some historic moments too! Freya King smashed three school records in the pool, one that had been held for 28 Years!

Here are the results:

Swimming Gala – Winners 2018

House Shield: South

Individual Cup winners

Junior Girl: Stella Arnold
Junior Boy: Michael Hooper
Inter Girl: Freya King
Inter Boy: Ben Bradley Wilson


JG Caterpillar race: North

JB Caterpillar race: South

JG Water Polo Relay: West

IG 50m Font crawl: Freya King

IG Individual Medley: Freya King

IG 50m Breaststroke: Freya King

Well done the winners and well done to those who took part. It's events like that which make the PE team really love their job.

A massive thank you to Mary Dowds for organising such a great Gala, once again!

Matt Lloyd
Director of Sport

Weston & District Netball v Worle, Wednesday 14th March: Sidcot 38-33 Worle

The ladies had their best performance so far this season, with communication and team work looking really strong. This week we welcomed Ella Kippax to the team, who we hope will continue to be a regular member of the squad because she fitted in brilliantly. Her scoring percentage was incredible and it got her player of the match. I also want to say well done to Mati and Immy who, as always, controlled the mid court and also to Gretel and Kitty who did a super job even when playing out of position. Well done ladies!

Heather Barnes
PE Faculty

Weston & District Netball v Weston Emerald, Wednesday 21st March: Sidcot 21-32 WE

Another great performance by the WD team this week, putting out a great fight against a strong Weston team. Well done to player of the match Indeigh for some really good defensive skills. The ladies only have one match left now this season. Trials will be held next term for anyone in Lower Fifth and above that would like to join the team next year, please see me for details.

Heather Barnes
PE Faculty

Girls' U15 North Somerset District Tournament, Wednesday 21st March: 1st Place

The U15 girls did a tremendous job at the North Somerset Schools District Tournament, convincingly winning five out of their six matches and getting first place. The girls played well as a team and there was some outstanding defending and shooting, despite having some new team members. Well done to Evie, Frankie and Maisy who got player of the match during the tournament. I would also like to say well done to Evie, Sophie and Lottie who played up from Upper Fourth and did a fantastic job.

Heather Barnes
PE Faculty

U12 North Somerset Hockey Tournament @ Worle School, Thursday 22nd March

Runners up

The 3rd form girls had a very competitive and exciting afternoon at Worle. There were two pools of 6 teams in which a round robin fore mat was adopted. During the team talk it was emphasised how important it was to score goals in the short period of time they had for each match. The team responded fantastically by being committed and keen from the start.  Initially the play was dominated by one or two individual players Charlotte Harrison and Stella Arnold, who made confident attacks at goal. As the afternoon progressed the girls realised the importance of team work and used more width to their game, enabling a greater variety of passes and shots at goal. They started to utilise space on the right where Ava Palmer or Eliana Strauss were. Their determination and team spirit shone through with Eva Ward making some very sensible and timely passes on the left wing while Lucy Ayres and Emily Hawkins were strong in defence when required. Ottile Hoddell positively played in a variety of positions from defence to attack. The combined team effort and determination led them to ably winning their pool. This meant that in the semi final they played the runners up of Pool 1, who were Priory A team. They had a brilliant game with lots of accurate passing and managed to sneak a  goal in before the time was up so they were  then in the Final. This was against Backwell who had been tough opposition at home a few weeks ago. It was an even game with both sides having chances but neither converting within the time limit. Emily Hawkins played an important role in keeping the opposition out of the attacking D.This meant it went to Penalty shuffles.

Three girls were selected to take them, Emily Hawkins, Stella Arnold, and Charlotte Harrison. Ainara had had a quiet afternoon in goal and then found herself the focus of some intense play.

All the strikers were  successful in the first round of three, and although Ainara tried to prevent Backwell from scoring they were successful as well. It then went to sudden death and Sidcot scored twice more. Sadly then on the sixth attempt from Sidcot the Backwell goalie saved it so Backwell were the winners.

It was a very exciting end to a busy afternoon. The girls should be proud of the way they played together and supported each other both on and off the pitch. Hopefully this squad of players will continue to be so enthusiastic and improve further next year.

Mary Dowds
PE Faculty

Girls’ Hockey Season 2018

What a fabulous season we have had! Participation and enthusiasm levels have been extremely high, results have been really pleasing and we have had some excellent tournament results. Great commitment, great sense of fair play and sportsmanship and a super set of girls to take out and about to fixtures!

Well done to all!

Let’s see if we can do the same with the rounders’ season!

Rosie Bellinger / Mary Dowds
PE Faculty