Sports Reports – Week Ending Friday 24 March

Sports Reports

Week Ending Friday 24 March

All England Schools Cross-Country Championships

Imogen Moroney travelled to Norwich for the All England Schools Cross-Country Championships last weekend to represent Sidcot as part of the Avon Team.

She came in a fine 60th overall out of 525 Intermediate girl runners and was the top finishing girl in the Avon team.

Very well done indeed.

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

Tockington Manor School Cross-Country Relays

After the postponement of this event two weeks ago, Sidcot were relieved that the improved weather meant they could once again compete in this cross-country competition, fielding nine teams from across three age groups.

Despite some schools not being able to make this rearranged date, there were still plenty of highly talented runners representing many prestigious prep schools from both sides of the River Severn. Sidcot’s selection, based on cross-country runs completed over the Autumn Term, meant that our own runners were well prepared to face the rigors of the undulating course.

As is the tradition in the Under 13 category, both genders compete together which added a little bit of friendly rivalry between Sidcot’s brother and sister partnership of Guy and Ruby Owen. Both started as front runners for their respective teams and up until the final home straight it was nip and tuck between the two. Guy eventually took the lead to pass over to his team mate James Wroath in a very impressive third place. James continued to run hard with Henry Hawkins and Theo Parker-Mills also putting in equally determined runs to complete the race in fifth place.

The girl’s team, comprising of Ruby Owen, Lottie Gunter, Lily Arnold and Issy Hoddell equally showed true tenacity and strength in their running to keep pace with the front runners and were determined bring their team home as high up the order as they could. Up against eleven teams, the girls performed magnificently well and put in a sterling performance to also finish in a very impressive fifth place. Well done to all involved.

Many thanks to Rosie Bellinger and Nigel Taylor for helping out and offering very valuable advice and encouragement to the children. Thank you also to those parents who travelled to support the Sidcot runners. 

Sue Taylor 
PE Faculty

Girls’ 1st Vll Netball v Bruton School For Girls, Saturday 18 March: Bruton 31-15 Sidcot 

In this their first encounter against Bruton Girls School, Sidcot acquitted themselves very well to compete and come away with nearly half of the Bruton final score. Fielding a team comprising of eight girls from across two age groups meant that Sidcot were able to utilise their strengths in key positions and for good periods of the game looked composed and fluent in their netball. However, when Bruton gained possession, their greater speed and accuracy in passing enabled them to quickly and decisively move the ball down court to their shooters, who on nearly every occasion netted the ball. Despite the best efforts of Zoe Mercer and Indeigh Winterson, they were unable to contain their more mobile opponents or the tirade of quality ball coming their way and even when they did get a tip, it unfortunately nearly always fell straight back into a Bruton hand.

Sydney Drury and Frida Cardale managed the ball well in the centre court, working hard to create good space, whilst also maintaining high tempo in Sidcot’s play. They were helped by Gretel Havercroft and Kitty Leung who linked well and showed great determination to keep the ball moving swiftly into the Sidcot attacking circle. At times, a little more pace and quicker decision making in the final pass would have helped the Sidcot shooters, Anouska Long and Millie Ashdown to gain possession, but the close attention of the Bruton defenders made life very difficult. Denied space or room in which to move both shooters did exceptionally well to score the number of goals they did and they certainly knew that they had been in a physical contest by the end of the game.

Despite the final result in Bruton’s favour, the Sidcot team performed exceptionally well and enjoyed both the experience and hospitality afforded them, on a cold and rather unspring like Saturday morning.

Player of the match: Frida Cardale

Sue Taylor
PE Faculty

U14 Netball v Bruton School For Girls Saturday 18 March: Sidcot 16-23 Bruton

The team travelled away to Bruton (a new fixture on our card) for what proved a super game of netball, hotly contested and determinedly fought.

Bruton started the stronger and proved strong adversary in the first quarter and despite stalwart defending forged a good lead.

The second session saw Sidcot respond stoutly and, in fact, they won this quarter due to strong work in the centre court, faster movement of the ball up the court and good work between the shooters, Frankie Harrill and Ella Kippax.

The third quarter was very evenly matched, although, again Sidcot had the upper hand and continued to claw back the score.

Final quarter – all to play for – but it was Bruton who more successfully upped their game to pull ahead and take the game.

The girls should be well pleased with their performances. It was a lovely game to umpire, played with tenacity and in great sports womanly fashion! A delight!

My thanks go to all the girls – I had a fabulous morning!

Player of the match: Annabelle Davis

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty

U13 Girls' North Somerset Hockey Tournament @ Gordano School, Wednesday 22 March

The squad had a super afternoon at this tournament – and played very competitively in what was a strong and competent field of our local large schools.

There were no easy games to be had – but some great results were racked up.

In the opening game against Nailsea, the girls quickly moved into a lead – scoring within the first couple of minutes. They followed this up shortly after by slotting home a second.

The next game also saw some competitive and determined play against opponents Hans Price Academy – another 2-0 win was notched up.

Third game? A local derby versus Churchill School – again, a 2-0 win!

In the final group game against Clevedon School, the girls came unstuck and despite great efforts narrowly lost 1-0.

This set of group game results was, however, plenty good enough to ensure that they finished second in their group and therefore progressed to the semi-final stage of the tournament.

In what proved to be a super end-to-end game, the score seesawed and the goals came thick and fast – and it all came right down to the wire with the girls narrowly beaten 3-2.

The squad should be proud of their performances, team spirit and great sense of sportsmanship that was demonstrated throughout the afternoon.

Well done to all – and much to look forward to for next season.

Players of the matches: Ana de la Torre & Erin Crofts

Rosie Bellinger
PE Faculty